How do I beat the plateau?


I've been dieting since October 2014 and lost 20lbs so far, but my weight loss has now stopped. I eat 1200 calories a day, and didn't think I should go below this, so what do I do to start losing weight again?

Please help - I don't want to be a plump bride!


  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    Feel free to friend me and we can chat but depending on what you're doing for exercise I would actually UP your calorie range 100-200 calories. I know it sounds weird but that happened to me. I did fine on 1200 for a while and then absolutely wouldn't lose until I went up to 1400 and now I can't dip below 1500 or else I'll stop losing! :)
  • kirstyandjim
    kirstyandjim Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks - I upped my calories by 100 everyday, gained a pound and then went back down to the same weight (to the decimal point!)

    I don't really understand it, particularly as I've still got at least another 3 stone to lose.
  • martinmcneely1
    martinmcneely1 Posts: 17 Member
    If you are spot on with your calorie counting then try to change some things like training or what you are eating. It's easy to get in a rut when things are working but once it slows down we tend to think nothing works, you'll soon find what works for you
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    How long has it been since you lost? Have you been taking measurements? Has there been any loss in measurements? Sometimes you don't lose weight but you do lose measurements, then the weight losses start up again.
  • kirstyandjim
    kirstyandjim Posts: 9 Member
    The only measurement I've been taking really is my waist, which hasn't changed. I'll try switching things up a bit again. Just getting a bit disheartened. The only time I've lost weight before was very unhealthy (I barely ate and exercised for four hours a day) and I'm trying so hard to be healthy this time, but it's upsetting to have hit a brick wall.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    edited February 2015
    How long have you been stuck? Do you use a food scale? Do you exercise? if you do, how do you calculate your burns?
  • kirstyandjim
    kirstyandjim Posts: 9 Member
    About two and a half weeks now. Yep, I measure and weigh everything and I do an exercise DVD a couple of times a week. I have a fitbit too that I use to measure my activity.
  • MrsSausage58
    MrsSausage58 Posts: 143 Member
    Go here to work out how many calories you need to be eating. You can bet your *kitten* it's more than 1200.
  • kirstyandjim
    kirstyandjim Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks! I've read a few times that sleep could affect weight loss, and I've been sleeping pretty badly and erratically lately. It's a long shot, but might that be having some sort of effect?
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    About two and a half weeks now. Yep, I measure and weigh everything and I do an exercise DVD a couple of times a week. I have a fitbit too that I use to measure my activity.

    Well, the best way to beat this stall is patience. It has been too little time to need to do anything different like eat less or add more activity. It sounds like you have already checked your weighing, measuring, and logging to make sure you are doing everything right. Some have suggested changing the timing of your workouts and switching up your meals a little (like eat your biggest meal at noon instead of evening) but there is no proof that those things work. They definitely can't hurt.

    I have been losing for almost 14 months now. In that time, I have had 3 stalls. 2 were for 3 weeks each and one was for 4 weeks. I did nothing different and the losses started up again, often with a "whoosh" (a big loss) then back to my normal average loss. It happens, especially when you are in it for the long term.

    Patience dear Grasshopper.

  • kirstyandjim
    kirstyandjim Posts: 9 Member
    So, if I up my calories, I won't gain weight?
  • kirstyandjim
    kirstyandjim Posts: 9 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    About two and a half weeks now. Yep, I measure and weigh everything and I do an exercise DVD a couple of times a week. I have a fitbit too that I use to measure my activity.

    Well, the best way to beat this stall is patience. It has been too little time to need to do anything different like eat less or add more activity. It sounds like you have already checked your weighing, measuring, and logging to make sure you are doing everything right. Some have suggested changing the timing of your workouts and switching up your meals a little (like eat your biggest meal at noon instead of evening) but there is no proof that those things work. They definitely can't hurt.

    I have been losing for almost 14 months now. In that time, I have had 3 stalls. 2 were for 3 weeks each and one was for 4 weeks. I did nothing different and the losses started up again, often with a "whoosh" (a big loss) then back to my normal average loss. It happens, especially when you are in it for the long term.

    Patience dear Grasshopper.


    That's really helpful to know - thank you so much! It sounds like you're doing really well too - well done :)
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    About two and a half weeks now. Yep, I measure and weigh everything and I do an exercise DVD a couple of times a week. I have a fitbit too that I use to measure my activity.

    Well, the best way to beat this stall is patience. It has been too little time to need to do anything different like eat less or add more activity. It sounds like you have already checked your weighing, measuring, and logging to make sure you are doing everything right. Some have suggested changing the timing of your workouts and switching up your meals a little (like eat your biggest meal at noon instead of evening) but there is no proof that those things work. They definitely can't hurt.

    I have been losing for almost 14 months now. In that time, I have had 3 stalls. 2 were for 3 weeks each and one was for 4 weeks. I did nothing different and the losses started up again, often with a "whoosh" (a big loss) then back to my normal average loss. It happens, especially when you are in it for the long term.

    Patience dear Grasshopper.


    That's really helpful to know - thank you so much! It sounds like you're doing really well too - well done :)

    Thank you. Yes, I understand the frustration and how hard it is to be patient, but sometimes you just have to. The human body is wondrous and weird, and sometimes we just have to let it do its thing.

  • supah11
    supah11 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm on the same page as you are :(
  • yelusa
    yelusa Posts: 2 Member
    Try KE diet