RaeBeeBaby Member


  • I tried WW twice and was frustrated and disappointed both times. Mostly a big push to buy all their gadgets and stuff at the meetings. Lots of overweight people at the meetings and nobody was really losing any weight. Just when I figured out the point system they changed it. Bye-bye WW. My friends who still belong are…
  • Hummus slipped my mind. It's divine! And if you don't like chickpeas, you can make it from any kind of beans. I just discovered Hummustir, which is a totally shelf-stable product that you can pack around without refrigeration. The tahini is packaged separately from the chickpea paste and you stir it up together after you…
  • To OP's original question - "How do you feel about fasting?" I'm not a big fan because I like to eat when I feel like it and not on some pre-ordained schedule of IF. I only fast (some years) during Lent because I feel the need for a personal sacrifice and that's how I view fasting. As a sacrifice and indicator of personal…
  • Workouts in the pool are great with just about any type of injury. I'm dealing with a strained bicep tendon and I can still go to the pool. I just can't do a regular freestyle stroke right now. Put on a water belt and do deep water aerobics or use a foam noodle or buoy dumbbells. Most pools have these available. You can do…
  • I have seen this a couple times. It's been a weird thing - like half the banana is fine and the other half (lengthwise) is rotten. Since I know they pick most bananas green it isn't a "ripe" thing or a bruising thing. Just odd. We are a picky banana household. Hubby likes them slightly green. I like them just perfectly…
  • Wow, it's going to be hard for you to get all that protein you desire if you don't like most meat, greek yogurt, peanuts, cottage cheese, chia, flax and everything else is too expensive or stinky. :p Someone suggested collagen powder, so that might be your best bet. It doesn't really have any taste or texture either (or…
  • Many people will say that you don't need to exercise to lose weight, and that is true as long as you are eating at a caloric deficit. However, I have found that with exercise you can eat more and it helps A LOT with anxiety. It is a natural mood elevator - scientifically proven to increase the "feel good" chemicals in your…
  • Sorry, but this sounds like the beginning of disordered eating. Waking up not hungry after only eating 1000 calories seems more mental than physical. Also, eating 4 fruits plus milk you are getting a lot of sugar and not much protein so that is far from a balanced diet nutritionally. Talk to your doctor or a licensed…
  • Yes, there is a shorter summer challenge that starts on Sunday but it is already full. We will be having another one in the fall that will be open to all!
  • Had to laugh at this one! I love almost all fish, but tilapia is not one of them. I know it's all the rage these days, but I think it tastes weirdly "off". I would really not want to eat a ceviche made with it. I watched a documentary about how they're raised in fish farms and they basically just leave them in the tanks to…
  • ^^^^^ This exactly. I've had several close friends and family members who opted for WLS with less than ideal outcomes. One of my closest girlfriends has had nothing but complications - two additional surgeries to repair esophageal issues, plus gall bladder removal. Not sure the last was related but after two years she is…
  • Tacos, tacos, tacos! We eat lots and lots of them, of all kinds. I keep both flour and corn tortillas on hand. (I'm gluten-free, the husband is not). Any leftover meat or fish can go in a taco along with lots of healthy add-ins. We usually BBQ on the weekend and then I use whatever extra for the next several days. You can…
  • I know this might seem like a dumb question, but how is your stress level? My husband and sons have all had episodes of vasovagal syncopy (fainting due to the vasovagal response). Apparently a hereditary thing in our family. For my husband especially, these spells have come on during periods of high stress. A few times…
  • Glad I stumbled across this thread! My annual exam is coming up and I have been a little lackadaisical about weight lately. I went back a year on MFP and see that I am 6 pounds heavier than at the same time last year. Time to start paying better attention! My doctor and I always touch on my weight, along with a whole…
  • Actually, if you do this consistently throughout the day it becomes second nature. Not a vanity thing, per se, but it's like paying attention to whether you have good posture or not. Suck in your tummy and put your shoulders back - it strengthens your spine and abs and makes you look better, too. Much better than slouching…
  • I'm just recuperating from a lower back strain with pretty horrible spasms that lasted several days and flared up with just about any movement. Just turning over in bed was pretty agonizing for awhile. I know I did it from hours of gardening (weeding, lifting, bending) followed by a couple days of lifting grandbabies in…
  • You can do this. Even though there are some age-related obstacles, you can still improve your health at any age. The more you move, the better you'll feel. Guaranteed!
  • I'm going to guesstimate about $400 a month for two people which includes paper products and wine/beer but not pet food. I get the high-end pet food at our local farm store, so not included in the grocery budget. I probably spent twice that when my sons were still living at home - consuming a gallon of milk and two boxes…
  • Well, it depends on what the injury is as to what you can still do. You certainly don't want to push the injured area if you're experiencing pain. The last thing you want is a serious problem that may take surgery to correct. If it seems really serious and doesn't heal on its own in a week, then you'll want to consider a…
    in Injured Comment by RaeBeeBaby June 2018
  • A very eclectic list off the top of my head - The Quiet Man, Somewhere in Time, Milagro Beanfield War, Kinky Boots, Amelie.
  • The shampoo/conditioner thing really bugs me, too. Once it gets to the point where I can't stand it anymore I'll just combine them into one bottle. I've also moved them into the laundry room and I use a squirt or two in delicate wash cycles instead of more harsh laundry detergent.
  • Tea tree oil is pretty amazing stuff. I've used it to make a salve/ointment for nail fungus and athletes foot. Works great and completely natural. Again, topical only!
  • I use them in very small amounts for DIY skin care products (like deodorant and muscle rub) but would never ingest them. I sat through a "health presentation" with a Doterra rep and was pretty astonished at the ridiculous claims. It was like a Tupperware party where she passed out really fancy booklets and the requisite…
  • Never heard of any antibiotic that required you to be "very full". Many say take with food or perhaps on a full stomach, but that doesn't mean you have to be stuffed. Target of 150 for breakfast is extremely low, but not impossible. Lowest cal breakfast that includes lots of nutrition is egg white scramble with low cal…
  • This one actually had me laughing out loud. I have such a Jenga fridge. You have to carefully re-arrange and pull things out to fit more in and hope something doesn't fall in the process. I've left lots of food in my car in the winter and I even use my outdoor gazebo area for big meal stuff for holiday dinners. Defrosted…
  • Interesting topic that I haven't seen on here before. I'm of European descent, but I grew up in the deep south and had several black girlfriends. Most of us were about the same size, as I recall, but that was the 70's. Statistically, America was thinner as a society than now (by a long shot). I certainly don't remember…
  • As other posters have said, you need to hydrate more. Your body needs water to function properly including digestion and brain activity. When you drink water before or during meals, it also makes you feel full much quicker. Personally, I find that hunger pangs are a signal that I'm hungry so I eat. I normally eat 3 meals a…
  • I am currently obsessed with kale salad with mango, coconut and cashews. I like to toast the coconut along with the cashews for just a couple minutes - it adds a new dimension. Yum! https://migrainereliefrecipes.com/kale-mango-coconut-salad/