Hunger Pains

DestinyGEC Posts: 3 Member
The biggest problem I've noticed having when trying to lose weight, is fighting hunger pains. It might only be day one, but I have had them twice today and it's only 2:30pm. I've taken in about 1200cal, and have 800 left to go, which I plan to splurge on at dinner, because I live with a very picky eater. I'm just having a hard time keeping these pains away, and I'm curious to know if they are something else entirely apposed to hunger. Is it dehydration? I don't normally feel this way when I am, and I've had two glasses of water today. (I don't drink a lot in the first place)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    2 glasses of water is not enough.

    You shouldn't be having hunger pangs on 2000 cals, do you eat a lot of carbs?
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited June 2018
    I agree with upping the water, I've been fasting and I drink water and they go away, and for what it's worth I am absolutely not trying to be a jerk at all, but I think it's hunger pangs not pains, just a friendly fyi ;)
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Drinking electrolyte solution can help. But, in the end, distracting yourself is the best remedy. Your body is designed to shelve hunger when there are other things to attend to. For me, even a brief cardio session staves off hunger for hours.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    People often find themselves feeling hungry the first couple of weeks of calorie restriction. I would say consider if your weekly weight loss goal is too aggressive, but if you've been given 2000 calories, that doesn't seem likely. As others have said, you may need to swap out some of your choices for more filling things & increase fluids. Some people benefit by delaying breakfast or skipping it altogether (intermittent fasting), but since it's only your first day, I wouldn't draw any conclusions just yet. :)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited June 2018
    DestinyGEC wrote: »
    The biggest problem I've noticed having when trying to lose weight, is fighting hunger pains. It might only be day one, but I have had them twice today and it's only 2:30pm. I've taken in about 1200cal, and have 800 left to go, which I plan to splurge on at dinner, because I live with a very picky eater. I'm just having a hard time keeping these pains away, and I'm curious to know if they are something else entirely apposed to hunger. Is it dehydration? I don't normally feel this way when I am, and I've had two glasses of water today. (I don't drink a lot in the first place)

    Try changing up your meal timing.

    The sooner I eat, the sooner my "hunger" for the day gets going. If I eat as soon as I get up, I get hungry again earlier. I'm normally not hungry first thing in the morning. So, I push breakfast back until 10:00 or so. Lunch around 1:00, snack about 3:00, dinner about 7:00 with plenty of calories to eat (about 800-1000).
  • RaeBeeBaby
    RaeBeeBaby Posts: 4,245 Member
    As other posters have said, you need to hydrate more. Your body needs water to function properly including digestion and brain activity. When you drink water before or during meals, it also makes you feel full much quicker.

    Personally, I find that hunger pangs are a signal that I'm hungry so I eat. I normally eat 3 meals a day, plus snacks and still manage to stay under around 1800 calories. When I feel hungry between meals, I eat something. I don't have a full meal, just a little snack. You'd be surprised that a couple carrots with some hummus or a celery stalk with a teaspoon of peanut butter will satisfy for minimal calories. Be thoughtful about what you're eating and you can actually eat quite a lot.

    It's also a bit of a brain game. If you're never used to actually being hungry then hunger pangs are a new experience. Many overweight people never allow themselves to get there because they are eating huge meals and having another one before the first one is fully digested. As I've been changing my way of eating for the past several years I recognized this in myself. You can begin to see the hunger pangs as a sign that your body is functioning as it should and relish (if not enjoy) the experience. :smiley:

  • evilsmudge
    evilsmudge Posts: 7 Member
    Grimmerick wrote: »
    evilsmudge wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    evilsmudge wrote: »
    drink water and lots of it. hunger comes in waves but your body will adapt over time be-aware if you feed it every 2 hours it will expect to be fed every 2 hours. the harsh truth is unless your going long periods (16-72 hours) without food your not really hungry. hope this helps

    Unless a person goes 3 days without food, they're not really hungry? :/
    72 hours is harsh lol, but technically around the time the body goes in starvation mode.

    most likely a bad choice of words on my behalf, but i always thought that after several days of fasting, all cells in the body begin to break down protein. This releases amino acids into the bloodstream, which can be converted into glucose by the liver. Since much of our muscle mass is protein, this is responsible for the wasting away of muscle mass seen in starvation.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited June 2018
    evilsmudge wrote: »
    Grimmerick wrote: »
    evilsmudge wrote: »
    try2again wrote: »
    evilsmudge wrote: »
    drink water and lots of it. hunger comes in waves but your body will adapt over time be-aware if you feed it every 2 hours it will expect to be fed every 2 hours. the harsh truth is unless your going long periods (16-72 hours) without food your not really hungry. hope this helps

    Unless a person goes 3 days without food, they're not really hungry? :/
    72 hours is harsh lol, but technically around the time the body goes in starvation mode.

    most likely a bad choice of words on my behalf, but i always thought that after several days of fasting, all cells in the body begin to break down protein. This releases amino acids into the bloodstream, which can be converted into glucose by the liver. Since much of our muscle mass is protein, this is responsible for the wasting away of muscle mass seen in starvation.

    Umm I'm not sure why it says that I wrote the above quote, I think maybe you typed a little out of whack, no bigs, From what I have seen the definition of "starvation mode" is when your body starts burning less calories to conserve energy, which is not true. Hmm maybe my mfp is wonky because now it says that I wrote your quote.....weird.
  • MixedbarbieMOM1991
    MixedbarbieMOM1991 Posts: 43 Member
    If I don't drink enough water I'm straving up your water.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    DestinyGEC wrote: »
    The biggest problem I've noticed having when trying to lose weight, is fighting hunger pains. It might only be day one, but I have had them twice today and it's only 2:30pm. I've taken in about 1200cal, and have 800 left to go, which I plan to splurge on at dinner, because I live with a very picky eater. I'm just having a hard time keeping these pains away, and I'm curious to know if they are something else entirely apposed to hunger. Is it dehydration? I don't normally feel this way when I am, and I've had two glasses of water today. (I don't drink a lot in the first place)

    2,000 cals should be plenty to keep you full throughout the day. I get hunger pains on prep, but I intake 1,400 and do 2-hours of lifts plus an hour of cardio some days. I usually quell them by drinking sparkling water or a Zevia cola because it's 0 cals and makes your stomach feel full. Definitely up your water, but the pains you're feeling don't really sound like hunger pain.
  • BigMamaLynsey
    BigMamaLynsey Posts: 390 Member
    You're doing better than me with 2 glasses of water. I'm alot worse. I literally have 3 drinks a day. Tea, juice and juice. Before it was a tea and diet coke. That sounds bad but for me that is pretty good. As before I ended up with kidney stones but drinking less than a cup of water per day. I find it so hard to drink when I'm not thirsty :/
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    You're doing better than me with 2 glasses of water. I'm alot worse. I literally have 3 drinks a day. Tea, juice and juice. Before it was a tea and diet coke. That sounds bad but for me that is pretty good. As before I ended up with kidney stones but drinking less than a cup of water per day. I find it so hard to drink when I'm not thirsty :/

    you aren't 'not thirsty' you just don't recognise what thirst is.

    there is nothing wrong with tea or diet coke by the way... its certainly better than nothing.