mommazach Member


  • I've gained and lost the same 50 lbs for years. Best thing I ever did was start a different diet. I'm all Keto now and have seen amazing results! Find some great friends and dishes to make. Pinterest in my buddy. PS. Add motivating friends. It helps!
  • It depends on what you are doing for diet. My face and legs were my first noticeable area of loss. Of course I wanted it to be my fat belly, but it's still a work in progress.
  • My motivation is the scale! When I know I've been eating like crap, I get on the scale to see how I've done. If it shows gain, I get back to the program I know works for me. Your wedding dress should be a motivator in and of itself. I know that it's hard to keep up any kind of diet, but my motivation is the way I feel as…
  • I'm doing this for myself, but I've told my hubby all along this journey that "I want to be hot enough folks think I'm a gold-digger" LOL. I don't know if objectified is the correct term, but I like that my daughter's friend think I'm the "hot" mom.
  • I lost 45 lbs prior to lifting. Once I started lifting, I stalled in weight loss, but got better measurements. I'm following a Keto diet, with less than 25 carbs a day. I've defined muscles, grew my arms and leg measurements and keep making changes. You don't NEED the carbs to help you.
  • You have your goals set. Now keep them. My daughter joined the Army and had to complete many of the same obstacles. You can get there by pushing towards them.
  • Oh sweet lady, you need some motivational friends. As I'm looking at your thread, I feel your defeat. Don't set yourself up! So many times in our lives we look at a vicious cycle and see that it can't be overcome. But it truly CAN! I have literally tried everything that has been made for diet pills, gimmicks, and foods. I…
  • 63 down and 19 to go.
  • Find some great friends who will continue to motivate you. I post daily on M-F and log every day. Send me a request and I'll gladly cheer you on. Unless you are a creeper, then Nope. LOL
  • First, find the right shoes for your foot. If you don't have the proper arch support you will continue to have this issue. Second, make sure you are stretching before and after EVERY Run.…
  • Do what you will commit to. Jogging is NOT for everyone. But I can outrun the owner of the gym. She can bench press me. LOL. Find something that will help you in the areas you want to work. I do TRX at the gym, and take my dogs jogging, but like others on this thread, if you are going to start, use c25K. IT helps and you…
  • add friends on here who support you and are consistent. One of the hardest things for me to do was keep going some days... and then I have a Pal who wrote something brilliant that I recognized myself in. Add me if you want encouragement. I'm really good at M-F when I'm in the office (and sitting through meetings) I log…
  • I quit smoking 2 years ago. After 25 years of the habit. I got an app called couch to 5K, or C25K, as my goal was to INCREASE my breathing to prove to myself that it would make a difference. 6 weeks was my magical number. Remember to breathe through your exercise. Make sure you don't outrun your breath. It comes back…
  • I'm 5'3" and 120 on me looks way too unhealthy. What you should be striving for is where you feel the best. I'm a large chested woman, and therefore I'm lifting weights to develop other areas to get more of an hour glass look. I also do a ton of core exercises. Working on Squats and lunges to develop a butt, and my arms…
  • I had this and it's gone! When I started my journey 65+ lbs ago, my enzymes were horrible. After several tests, the Dr's started me on Milk Thistle daily, as well as low carb keto diet. I'm well within normal range at this point. Take a look at Ketogenic diets, and weigh and measure. It did not effect my weight loss, and…
  • Wait... What??? If you still have 25 more lbs to lose to get to your goal BMI, then you still have room to decide. If you are losing 2.6 lbs a week, it will still take you 2+ months to get there. If you are successfully losing, then do what is working for you. I still keep my calories to 1200 per day, and if I workout, I…
  • My goal is to lose 10 more lbs during Nov/Dec. The plan is to NOT gain my traditional 10 this year. I've stuck to a keto eating plan and have found some great recipes on Pinterest! Best part, I have a support team who shares recipes. Best plan for success is to pre plan it. Don't take the sweets off the plate, don't…
  • Wonderful. Congratulations! <3
  • Welcome to the team. I am also 43 and working on 44 next week. I started my journey at 221 and am now down 48 lbs over all. I reached my first goal along the way, updated my info, an now am working on my last 20 lbs. I'd love to help motivate you. Please add me if you would like.
  • I love my sleep, but the more I burn, the more I like my sleep. I have noticed I am sleeping harder with less movement when I have a vigorous workout. I get 8 hours a night. I like my 8 hours. I do best at 8 hours, and this changed in my 30's. When I am past 8 hours, I wake up... and then move.
  • Welcome to the team. I'm doing a Ketosis plan. I'd be more than willing to add you
  • Oh these answers... Pretty sure that is why people get discouraged. Holy cats. Here's my 2 cents. I started with 3 surgeries on my left knee. Started elliptical for knee strengthening. Small times. 10 minutes, 15 minutes, worked my way up to 45 minutes and decided to try jogging. (I was feeling froggy) I found an app…
  • Check measurements too. When I started working out, I didn't see a scale loss for a couple of months, but my measurements certainly changed. If the run/walking thing is new, you may be seeing the same thing.
  • 1. find friends to motivate you, who are honest about what they are doing. I love a post where pals vent about the sucky day they had, but are determined that tomorrow is better. 2. Build your own goals. Not the 30 lbs in a month kind, but ones with achievable results. ex. 5-8 lbs THIS month, drinking water, getting color…
  • You will get there if you stick with it. Easiest thing to do it quit. It's hard, you will struggle and have days that just suck, but if you find others with similar goals as yourself, add them as friends. It's so much easier when the struggle is done with encouragement and high fives as you hit your next goal. I'm…
  • I used to have the same problem and then I promised myself 3 weeks. 3 weeks of elliptical, (low impact) and I started with just 15 minutes a day. It took awhile and it hurt but I now have stronger knees that support me better and have completed several 5K's this summer. Here's what helped me. 1. Low impact EVERYTHING. I…
  • My husband is 16 years older than I, had a heart attack that was at first described by the doctors as "the widow maker" and then oops, just 95% blockage on the top right artery in his heart. Set a stent and now he feels wonderful. Scary thing is that it didn't change any of the things he was doing. Still smokes 2 packs a…
  • Serious dedication. Congrats on all your hard work and focus. Well deserved. You look great.
  • C4 by Cellucor is available at Walmart for $15. I use it prior to every workout, and especially race days. It can make you jittery, but goes away during exercise. The one thing I did notice was that I needed about twice the water, and then needed to pee more frequently. There is also a generic version of this from…