Thanks Mom!
Thanks everyone!! Friend me if you want to keep in touch! I'll be starting Phase 2 in January!
Sakurablush!!! HAHA!!! NICE!!!
Thanks again! If any of you have any questions, please feel free to ask!
Thanks Everyone!!! I want to start Phase 2 NOW, but I need to pace myself! So...until then, I hope you all are focused and determined to reach your goals! HAPPY TRANSFORMATION!
Molecular science...if you look at the chains for solid vs. liquid fats, you will see the missing link between the two are 2 hydrogen atoms. For the body to metabolize solid fat it has to be broken down into liquid state. H2O is A WAY[/b for that to happen. Common knowledge in Human Bio classes for anyone who has taken…
WOW...I expected a lot of hater responses...look at the science and you will see it's true. But notice that I said in my thread other factors apply! I love how people are taking one sentence and basing their whole response on that! In typical fashion along with other groups who do that same thing!
I prelog everyday, but I do eat differently on the weekends. I eat cleaner on the weekdays. Example...on Saturday, Breakfast - Strawberries and Cantaloupe, coffee. Lunch - 6" Italian sandwich Dinner - 2 slices of veggie pizza Snacks - Stawberries and Cantaloupe Dessert - Little Debby Oatmeal Cookie Pie. I was under my…
I had crock pot teriyaki ribs, rice, roasted asparagus, and roasted brussel sprouts with bacon!
Pre-logging keeps you accountable! Like some of the people said above, 1. They know what they will eat for the day, 2. They won't have to log during the day...etc! And just because you prelogged doesn't mean that you're going to max out your calories either!! I often have 300-400 calories at the end of the day that allows…
All of those listed above by Dianne are GREAT items...just make sure when you do it, it you keep the Macros proportional to your goals!
My confession is that I have nothing bad to confess, only that I still eat what I want (within my daily kcal allowance) and I still lose weight! Tonights dessert is a Little Debbies Oatmeal Cookie Pie!
Hiphop - WTG!!! That's amazing!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now that you reached your goal, the best way to maintain is to not go back to what you did to get to the place you were 8 months ago. Only lose the extra 10 if you want to do it. You can continue doing what you're doing and it will fall of naturally!
How clean are you eating? Are you consuming alcohol? Are you getting enough sleep? Are you doing enough cardio? Lots of factors to consider!
all the advice above is all good!!! make sure you're adding any cooking oils to your food log when you cook and definitely scale your meats it all... I only have 2020 kcals a day at the moment based on my goals and some days I find it hard to reach it all. Also, do not add your exercise until you're done eating for the…
Jeenee - WOW, that's amazing!!!! Pace yourself though, you don't want to over do it!! keep up the great work!!
Ms. Magoo, Good luck on your journey!!! I think the best thing is that you're doing it with your husband and you can cook the same. The only difference is that he's going to get to eat more calories...I'm guessing. Just keep each other honest with the food and support and motivate each other and you'll kill it!!! Good luck…
PENELOPE!!! THAT IS AMAZING!!!! Congrats on your success and good luck on your journey!!! You'll smash that number before your 52 week time!!! The best part about start in January, that by the time the holidays come around, you'll know how to eat correct!!! keep it up!!
You can google vegetable carbs and get a list that is not derived from breads or like foods. Sweet potatoes, potatoes, beets, broccoli all have high carb contents per serving. Once you get your list you can decide what fits in your food plan! Good luck!
Thanks Dee!!!
That is awesome!!!! CONGRATS!! You are just as beautiful now, as you were then!!! Keep it up!!!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! You're such an inspiration for others in your position. Can I encourage you to go the INTRODUCTION or GETTING STARTED blogs...there's a woman on there that is seeking to lose 100lbs also, she has two kids and I think you could be a great role model for her!!!
What an inspiration!!!!! 120lbs in 17 months!!! IMPRESSIVE!!! And congrats on your success!! You look FABULOUS!!!! I am on my own trek now...Started at 305 on Jan 5, 2015 and now at 274.5 as of April 3, 2015!! My goal is 85lbs lost by Oct 14th, 2015!!! That will get me to 220lbs...I would LOVE to get to 195lbs...but will…
Jamie!! You can do this!!! Just remember that it is a marathon not a sprint!! Meaning miracles won't happen over night so don't get discouraged!!! If you embrace every pound lost as a step into the right direction, then you will come through this with flying colors, AND, it will happen sooner than you think! The key is to…
Calliope, I think it's clear what your intentions are but your original post did not come off that way, you made a statement about how "if 100lbs overweight wasn't enough motivation, you don't know what is"...then you added in what motivated you...well you first sentence did come off as a dig. You then had to explain…
And to all the others who prelog your food!!! WTG!!! Being organized and focused will be one of the keys to your success in reaching your goals!! Keep it up!!!
Kathy, I love that you are a very clean eater! I used to be years ago and it takes discipline for sure!!! I am on my road to doing that again! But I will have to disagree with your statement about it being difficult in meeting your carb percentages without having to eat a lot of bread or pasta, etc....there are plenty of…
What does it matter if it's a percentage or in grams, it all equates to the same thing! Based on percentages you just have to do a little math to covert it to grams. Big deal! You entire post is so negative. "Obsessive", "unhealthy", "meltdown", "micro-manage" do it your way and hope your body "chucks" what it…
Suzee...not sure what phone you're using but on my android in the upper left hand corner of the page, there's a drop down and it'll bring a menu up. Select "NUTRITION" and 1/4 of the way down you should see a pie chart and three lines. Hope that helps.