Thanks everyone so much! All the information is well appreciated. :)
Thank you for the information @crystalflame
so then what am i supposed to do? I changed MFP from lose 2 pounds a week to lose 1 pounds a week and it changed my daily intake to 1400 a day from 1200. bmr is still 1532 and i workout hard when i do workout. I know if the body doesn't get enough it will start eating fat but eventually eat muscle and i don't want to get…
age: 27 Height: 5'3 Weight: 181 I workout out 5 to 6 days a week and hour a day sometimes more and i'm doing zumba and resistance bands training along with sit ups and other calisthenics.
i read it wrong. BMR: 1532 TDEE: 2643
i just did the calculator and it said my bmr is actually 1615. @Pickles175
yeah initially i chose to lose 3 pounds a week and it changed somehow to lose 2 pounds a week. i'll try putting 1 and see what happens.
thank you. I dont think I've been eating enough and I stay hungry throught the day even while doing the small 6 meals throughout the day.
is that all calories consumed through the day including the ones i get back from working out?
oh ok so if i go say 100 calories over my daily intake but I exercise I'm fine?
@RussetBrunnette I want to do exactly the same thing. I'm going back to school for personal training and then after that going to try and get the certification to become a Zumba instructor. I can't wait! Congrats on losing the 60 pounds! I'm definitely going to have to look up that group and request them. Thanks!
@hankinspace I agree! Zumba just has this way of making the time fly by. My favorite part is when I can feel those positive endorphins working during and after my workout.
@sklala i don't think the toning sticks do much, at least for me they don't. I wanted to try the other one, the heavier one but its really expensive. For toning what I do is Chalene Johnson's turbo jam but onto the 3T tubing dvd. I have my own resistance bands that are different weight sizes and let's just say it gets…
Amy I felt the same way and I was doing it at home. I wouldn't even do it infront of my sister hahahaha until one day she just turned it on and we made fools out of ourselves together and recorded it. We still watch the video and laugh at how dumb we looked.
Ugh that sucks. I want to go to a class so bad but can't do the babysitting/daycare thing. Someone needs to start a livefeed livestream zumba class. I'd so pay for that!
i feel the exact same way. Do you guys know if there's a zumba group? I tried to look for one but its hard when there's not search option for groups.
Add me. Would love some more friends
Thanks guys. I don't have any medical reason to watch my sugar. So i'll just forget about the sugar then. Thanks everyone.
Thanks Ladies! I sent all you guys friend requests.