lusir113 Member


  • @KellyLouiseGibson How long did it take you? those are amazing results, I have been looking into low carb type of diet. Did you also eat High fat?
  • Thanks guys really appreciate all the replies. I do not currently weigh my food but I will be purchasing a kitchen scale over the weekend, from reading other forums it seems helpful and essential to have one. I think I do under eat sometimes but it’s not on purpose, I have never been one to constantly eat or over eat for…
  • Thats amazing. are you following a particular diet? and are you focusing on both cardio and strength training or just one at the gym? I am a similar size to your old pic and having a difficult time trying to stay motivated.
  • Thanks for all of your input guys, I am about 150 cm, I am currently trying my best to increase my calorie intake during the day but find it hard because I get full easily and drink a lot of water. I haven't really seen a difference in my body physically which is why I was a little worried but will try and keep in mind…
  • I am having the same Issue, most of my meals are quite healthy and I am not much of a snacker, I enjoy 1 or two fruits most days but others I don't snack all. My goal is now 1200 and I always come under 1000, I can't bring myself to eat 1200 everyday its hard as much as I love food if I am eating healthy my meals are often…
  • I figured it out and have made changes, thank you :)
  • Thank you all so much for responding, I knew something was not right. I must have set it up all wrong, anyone know how to reset that kind of info on here or do I need to delete my profile and start again?