

  • If what you crave is salty food as "treats," then you might research a little about what your body is lacking. Cravings are generally a lack of some nutrient/vitamin. Also, if you want to eat chips (crisps) every day, then make those your carbs and cut back on others like bread, pasta, cereal. Crisps have very little…
  • Thanks, Molasses. I have been resting a full day or two here and there. Yesterday I went to the gym and did some cardio for the first time. It hurt a little after but I seem to be ok today. I am going to rest today anyway. Thanks everybody!
  • Thanks, cheshirecat! :smiley: I want to get back in full swing so I know I have to let it get better so that I can.
  • Thanks. I went to the doctor the same day I posted this originally. He said no exercise until it stopped hurting. I asked if I could do upper body and he said to rest altogether for a couple of days. I did that and now I really want to start doing something again. A friend who is a nurse and trainer suggested I do floor…
  • Thank you for saying that. I want to keep working out. What do you do at the gym? Please share!
  • Thanks, everyone.
  • Got it. Thanks!
  • Thank you, Owlhouse!! I definitely get enough fluids, sleep enough and I eat a very balanced diet. Maybe it's not enough, but I will work on that. It might be my body adjusting to a new way to life, I suppose. I do have a lot of energy. Just occasionally I feel like maybe I need more fuel, like you say. Thanks!
  • Gotcha, AliceDark, thanks!
  • Thanks everybody! I just looked at my report on Net Calories and I am way under 1000 calories a day on some days, so that opened my eyes for sure. I think I need to eat more.
  • Thanks, Ana. Yeah, it wasn't water weight. It was Christmas cookie weight, and it was over exactly 3 weeks, for real. :p Thank you for your comments. :)
  • Ok, thanks. I think it's probably from lack of food. ;) Good to think about blood pressure levels, though. I am prone to high blood pressure, but my doctor told me once that when you are stabilizing your pressure at normal levels, you can also feel like it's low, because it is actually going down, which is a good thing,…
  • Yes, good. I've heard that before. Thanks!
  • Thanks! I know and I appreciate it. My brother is a triathlete, and he has a lot of opinions about how and what I should be doing.
  • Thanks! hlo9603 :) I will look for it on FB.
  • I don't want to feel light-headed, hence the post. :) I want to lose SOME weight quickly to feel like I am well on my way. I gained 10 pounds very, very quickly, which I just didn't expect. I generally eat very well, so going back to the way I was eating is actually a good thing. I lost 50 pounds and kept them off, but…
  • I never go under 1200, but I don't always compensate for exercise calories. Should I always? I read once here that if you don't include those calories, you lose weight more quickly. Not true?
  • Thank you for the encouragement! :) I generally don't deprive myself. I certainly didn't over the holidays. haha I honestly think that so much sugar intake in December actually made it easier to just quit cold turkey. Didn't expect that.