hrobjordan Member


  • You should get some bands! They're cheaper than dumbbells and great for resistance training, plus they won't take up space and you don't have to worry about your kids getting hurt! Using your body weight is a great tool like most mentioned also. There's plenty of videos on YouTube and Instagram with people using just body…
  • Not that I know wife and I are in the army and her unit is doing a test phase of using Fitbits to analyze their workouts...she does crossfit and had no issues. I do HIIT sometimes and it seems pretty accurate, but then again I guess depending on what type you have. Mines calculate HR, steps, cal, and stairs…
  • Hey just remember what your doing it for. It starts with self motivation, you seem to have had an active lifestyle before your surgery, just grind and get back into that mode. You can do it!
  • Most people will notice before you do, because it's a slow change when you look at yourself. The pictures will definitely help. Easy thing about that is you can take one today then, measure and take another at the end of the week. My wife was 240lbs after our 2nd child and I didn't even know it! I thought she was maybe…
  • Dude was being a dick! But I would say search YouTube! You will find tons of great workouts, plus it's almost like your being coached at the same time! I personally follow Chris Jones (Physiques of Greatness) and he puts out tons of videos, from eating, workout routines, and supplements. He also has a girl that trains with…
  • Yea you should probably look into purchasing a fitness band (Fitbit, Garmon etc). Really depends on how hard your pushing yourself and the intensity of the workouts also.
  • Download fitness buddy! You'll find all types of exercises for the target muscles you want to build
  • Try calf raises(with or without weights). Pretty much anything on your tip toes will help :)
  • Stay focused on your task! It's hard when you don't have people around you that shares the same interest or passion. Try finding someone who is also interested so that way you guys can go on the journey together ;)
  • Well don't think of it as a diet. Try starting with smaller meals at breakfast, lunch and dinner, but also making sure you eat snacks in between ;)