
Hey guys! I'm Sarah I am 22 years old, and I have let myself just go down hill. I was a cheerleader and dancer all throughout highschool and then continued dancing through the beginning of my sophomore year of college until I had a tumor and needed to have it removed. I'm a junior full time student and I'm on the birth control shot which has made me gain an unimaginable amount of weight. But it doesn't help that I am not eating healthy and I am stressed and I have no motivation to go to the gym that is right down the street. I NEED HELP. I know it all comes back on me and starts with me but maybe you guys can help push and motivate me along the way. I decided to start this journey tomorrow because I am getting scared for my own health. Support, friends, motivation would be lovely and I would love to help encourage others too!!


  • hrobjordan
    hrobjordan Posts: 15 Member
    Hey just remember what your doing it for. It starts with self motivation, you seem to have had an active lifestyle before your surgery, just grind and get back into that mode. You can do it!