

  • Thanks again everyone!! I will do some more research to prepare for my next yoga session :) I found that last night I slept like a rock too. :)
  • Thanks for the input, I thought I was going nuts.....I didn't realize how powerful yoga really was until now.....when you really connect with it and that was just a beginner 12 minute yoga session! I am staying hydrated.....glad I am not the only one that had that happen....
  • Completed W2D1, Adding that additional 30 minutes was a stretch, but I have been trying to walk further everyday to prepare for the additional challenges. I notice I recover better if I stretch before and after, even though it is a pain to do. I think I am going to take up yoga via youtube for beginners, to do at home for…
  • Wow, WAY TO GO!! :)
  • I feel so amazing, I have lots of energy....I was just alarmed by how much I lost the first week and wanted to see if others had the same thing happen. Looks like it does! :)
  • Completed my first week, feeling great. Going to be a long road a head of me to get my body back into shape. For a reward, I got myself one of those fancy Nutribullets that blend anything and everything and making some really awesome kale smoothies. Yay me! :)
  • I am on week one, day two--I am already really sore. I decided to join a running group, so I have some support locally too. I am veryslow out of the gate, but love this program. I can't believe how out of shape I am in, when I can't run for one minute without feeling like I am dying slowly......haha I think I can make it :)
  • Thank you everyone! So far so good and of course we can be friends, not sure how to add people was my second day and I could not believe how out of shape I am, I was so out of breath by the time I was done, not to mention how sore I am today!