

  • A quick google search will return scholarly articles correlating soft drink consumption to increased risk of type 2 diabetes and a potential carcinogen (diet). There is also plenty of studies linking soft drink consumers with higher levels of belly fat than non-soft drink consumers. Diet soft drinks also gave me severe…
  • Only when it comes to peanut butter! :smile:
  • I just included what I do for the sake of sharing info. I successfully lost 30 lbs with no hockey, kickboxing or any other form of cardio while at a desk job. My point was that cardio isn't the key to fat loss. It can be a useful tool but it's not essential. I'm also speaking strictly in terms of weight loss, not overall…
  • From my personal experience: 1. Cardio isn't need at all. My only source of cardio is kickboxing and ice hockey. No stationary bike, treadmill, stepper...nothing. 2. To optimally lose weight. CALORIE DEFICIT, you'll need to find your TDEE. This may take some experimenting. I like my macros set as high protein and fat with…
  • Cut it completely and you'll reap the benefits. I used to drink regular, then diet and for the last month I cut it completely. My liquids now are coffee, almond milk, protein shakes and water. At first it was a little hard because there is some addiction or habit (not sure what it was exactly), but I'm over that hump now…
  • Eating 2000 now and losing about 1.5 lbs per week. Very solid results so far. I'm 5' 10", male, 183 lbs.
  • ^ This
  • I typically stick to the original calorie goal, therefore I do not eat the additional calories added by working out. However, I push myself pretty hard at the gym and I don't like depriving my body of fuel. So if I'm feeling extra hungry I'll dip into those extra calories. This don't happen very often, but when it do, I…
  • Couldn't agree more. PB is the food of the gods.
  • I get their Signature McWrap (w/ grilled chicken) whenever I'm having a real hectic day and I need something quick. I can think of a million things I'd rather eat but sadly the lack of quick healthy options where I live makes McDonalds (...of allllll places) the best thing for me to eat.
  • I also take protein shakes but I know when I take them that they are only for short term hunger suppression. For this reason they are either a last resort or to boost protein intake. Some major sources of protein for me include omlettes (with 1 cup of egg whites), Greek yogurt, chicken breast, lean ground chicken and…
  • Pretty much! By eating lost of carbs you replenish glycogen. This helps me out since lifting heavy drains me while on low carbs. Also, by having the refeed day you boost leptin production which aids fat loss. So high carbs are helping you loose weight... Who'd of thought.
  • I'm a 26 year old male, I know that means we don't have much in common but hear me out. From personal experience, dieting by restricting certain foods, especially if they are your weakness, usually ends up in failure. I am a peanut butter junkie and PB is absolutely packed with calories. I do my best to cut this out but…
  • Feel free to add me! I completely agree with the slow and steady posts, like they say "Rome wasn't built in a day". Gather your determination and push forward. Once you feel the positive impact of a healthy lifestyle, you won't look back. I used to the think to myself 'it's just food...'. Then I feel completely silly about…
  • I'm currently doing 45/40/15 p/f/c. Keeping carbs low but doing a refeed day every Saturday. The goal is to drop 10-13 lbs. This routine has always given me great results.
  • Fill up on good food before you go. For most people restriction diets usually end in disaster. Indulge a little if you have to but keep in your mind you have to work those cals off... No excuses!!
  • There could definitely be a discrepancy between the two scales, but that can be said for any two scales. Who really knows which one is correct unless it's being calibrated by a professional. I trust the scale at my house because I know it's approximately correct. You're weight will fluctuate continuously thoughout the day…
  • Supplements are exactly that, just supplements. Any supplement worth taking can be found in food if you're eating right, so there is really no need to waste your money on them. I've tried piles of stuff but ultimately I came to the conclusion that the money is much better off being used else where. The one supplement I…