ausiani Member


  • My husband is an insulin dependant diabetic on 7 injections per day. He works full time in a very demanding physical role. I prepare all meals working on 60 grams carbohydrates. I aim to have all low GI food such as whole grains. He has low fat muffins, whole grain breads/ wraps etc. Always looking at high protein. We…
  • Having a disturbed sleep pattern 4-5 hrs average, I often want to eat in early hours of the morning eg 1-4 am. Spoke with my Gp who suggested that it could be related to thyroid problem ( this is all ok) or there is some link between 0CD and overeating particularly at night. As I am a mental health professional, will…
  • I am 6 moths post sugery(gastric bypass). On Friday made a potato , cheese frittata ( used low fat ricotta) with eggs from our chooks. Had hot for breakfast and cold for dinner. For dinner had a iceberg lettuce, tomato and basil salad. Husband had a large wholemeal roll with his as he needs extra carbs as an insulin…