All I Wanna Do Is Eat At NIGHT!!!!



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Don't let it sabotage your deficit then. I prefer to eat two dinners, one around 400-500 calories, and another little meal or dessert anywhere between 200-400 calories every night. On 1600 calories a day, I make it work. Tonight I get toast and peanut butter washed down with my favorite tea. And I've already had scrambled eggs, zucchini, squash, onions, tomatoes. Yum.
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    A lot of people have more interest in food at the end of the day instead of at the beginning. Eat a lighter breakfast and/or a lighter lunch to save calories for the evening. I eat more than half of my daily calories after 7pm every day. I personally do eat a light breakfast and lunch, and focus on getting high quality protein and some carbs and fiber at those times: mostly to fuel my morning workout sesh.
  • LovenderNurse
    LovenderNurse Posts: 57 Member
    Yes I do this too. Actually looked this up and what I found was that it means your body is running low on energy. You can either fuel it with food or recharge it with sleep. If you want to lose weight, try a low calorie snack and go to bed earlier.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    go for a run
  • ausiani
    ausiani Posts: 3 Member
    Having a disturbed sleep pattern 4-5 hrs average, I often want to eat in early hours of the morning eg 1-4 am. Spoke with my Gp who suggested that it could be related to thyroid problem ( this is all ok) or there is some link between 0CD and overeating particularly at night. As I am a mental health professional, will explore this option.
  • MustLoveCats21
    When I eat at night it's because I'm bored. So my solution would be to keep yourself busy with something that will keep your mind occupied away from food. Take up a hobby?
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    This is all good advice and all good suggestions. I don't really have much to add. I am an evening snacker as well. For a long time I fought it successfully. But I realized that when I do have a snack or two before bed not only do I sleep better, but I actually feel thinner in the morning. I like to have a bowl of popcorn and some chocolate or some fresh berries with whipped topping. Yup sometimes I'm just craving carbs so I'll have some Better N Peanut Butter on reduced carb/fat bread. That usually works and will save me from an all out binge :smile: But I know how it goes... you're not hungry at all, just craving something sweet, so you have something sweet and then you crave something salty so you have that, then back to something sweet... It's quite the mind game isn't it? I have come to a point where I prefer (now) to go to be slightly hungry and have a great breakfast by around 7:30 AM. I've always been a breakfast person anyway, now it consists of lotts of egg whites, meats and veggies. Yum! That holds me over to well into the afternoon. My lunch is usually light and sometimes I just snack instead of having lunch. Point is, the rest of my food is pushed further into the day so by the time I am eating my dinner it's early enough for some digest time but late enough to avoid snacking. Hope this helps.
  • trina1049
    trina1049 Posts: 593 Member
    I love to eat later in the evening. I save calories by pre-logging my food. After dinner, later in the evening, I have a serving of Greek yogurt with a serving of fruit (the serving size depends upon how many calories I have after exercising) then a tablespoon of almond butter with a cinnamon toast. I sleep better and feel much better when I'm not hungry at night. I eat smaller portions for breakfast, lunch, and a normal dinner. Lost 41lbs. so far. so it's working. When you eat is not as important as what you eat. Just make sure that you're maintaining a calorie deficit.
  • KHaverstick
    KHaverstick Posts: 308 Member
    Like others have said, I also want to snack at night, so I budget for it. I'm petite, so my goal is also 1200 cal/day, and I make it work. I usually have 200 or so calories left at the end of the day. And sometimes if I'm feeling snacky at night and don't have the calories, it actually motivates me to get up and exercise for 20-30 minutes so I can have a little snack. :)
  • fevre
    fevre Posts: 60 Member
    Something that helped me a lot was trying lots and lots of veggies until I found ones I really liked, and turning those into my evening snack. Baby carrots, an arugula salad, brussel sprouts, or asparagus are all options I turn to now instead of a bag of chips.
    Slightly related, but I also had to kick the habit of having a beer or glass of wine every evening. Since it was more about having something interesting to sip rather than the alcohol, I've been able to switch it out for seltzer water with a dash of cranberry juice and/or fresh lime juice.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I eat half of my daily calories after 6pm. I don't snack during the day. I eat breakfast & lunch with half of my calories. I eat dinner usually around 6-6:30 and then wait a couple of hours and have a nice snack around 8:45-9pm.

    Meal timing doesn't matter as long as your eating the same number of calories. It's about choices and balance. If you eat more during the day, you won't have as many calories that you can consume later on. Plan for when you want to eat, not when you think you should eat.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Are you sure you need to be on 1,200 calories? Are you especially short?

    Meal timing does not matter from a metabolic standpoint. If you want to eat at night, save some calories for the evening. Skip your afternoon snack. Have a smaller lunch.

    Here's my spread (1,650 calories)

    Breakfast: 2 egg (160 cals), coffee
    Lunch: Soup, veggie straws, avocado (550 cals)
    Afternoon snack: kashi bar (140 calories)
    Dinner: 840 calories left, plus anything I earn in exercise, which is another 50-200 calories.

    I like big dinners/evening eating.
  • eeelizabeth2012
    eeelizabeth2012 Posts: 132 Member
    When I eat at night it's because I'm bored. So my solution would be to keep yourself busy with something that will keep your mind occupied away from food. Take up a hobby?
    I am definitely not bored and have lots of hobbies. A good theory though.

  • eeelizabeth2012
    eeelizabeth2012 Posts: 132 Member
    fevre wrote: »
    Slightly related, but I also had to kick the habit of having a beer or glass of wine every evening. Since it was more about having something interesting to sip rather than the alcohol, I've been able to switch it out for seltzer water with a dash of cranberry juice and/or fresh lime juice.
    I love this idea.

  • PurpleYFronts
    PurpleYFronts Posts: 344 Member
    If you can save 200 calories, try 35g porridge oats (homemade) with a tablespoon of honey, made with milk and/or water. It will definitely sate your appetite without damaging your calorie goal ;)
  • isabelleriley93
    isabelleriley93 Posts: 6 Member
    For those who snack late and crave sugar/carbs at night- how is your sleeping? Often our bodies want these foods because it's "easy" energy and you're really just tired. Also, snacking before bed is not good for your GI tract and sleep. Ever notice how if you eat then lay down, your stomach makes a lot of noise? It's also more likely to cramp, wake you up at night, and impair sleeping.
    Try adjusting sleep patterns and seeing if that helps.
    I have this problem and found going to bed earlier has been a life (and calorie) saver. If I can't get to bed early, a cup of tea with a small amount of honey both hits the craving and warms me, thus readying me for bed.

  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    For those who snack late and crave sugar/carbs at night- how is your sleeping?

    I don't "crave" sugar or carbs at night. I simply choose to do most of my eating in the evening hours. Sometimes it's carbs, sometimes it's not. I never really crave any one type of food over another. I simply eat what I need to in order to fill out my macros for the day. When I'm still looking to knock out 1500 - 2000 calories, a good bunch of that will end up being carbs. In any case, doesn't matter what it is, my sleep is great.

  • eeelizabeth2012
    eeelizabeth2012 Posts: 132 Member
    For those who snack late and crave sugar/carbs at night- how is your sleeping? Often our bodies want these foods because it's "easy" energy and you're really just tired. Also, snacking before bed is not good for your GI tract and sleep. Ever notice how if you eat then lay down, your stomach makes a lot of noise? It's also more likely to cramp, wake you up at night, and impair sleeping.
    Try adjusting sleep patterns and seeing if that helps.
    I have this problem and found going to bed earlier has been a life (and calorie) saver. If I can't get to bed early, a cup of tea with a small amount of honey both hits the craving and warms me, thus readying me for bed.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    LOL @ "evolutionary reasons"................No I think you do it because you're hungry.
    No. It is not hunger. I have no problem eating if I am hungry. It is the the types of food I am wanting and the specific times. Some literature I found does talk about how we tend to want high energy food at a time when our body is more likely to store it as fat for later on. Others talk about hormones and insulin spikes, etc. I have always been this way. It doesn't matter if I have a big meal or a small meal or a carby meal or a meal that is just protein and veggies. It is not psychological either. It is an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach (not hunger) that seems to only be relieved when I continue to eat. But, yes, sometimes I can trick it with tea or a small snack of some sort.

    Hmmm, any way to pinpoint what exactly this feeling IS? You list the things it is NOT and you also said it's not boredom. Is it anxiety? Worries that come into your mind in the evening when you have more time to think? Or is it a habit? Habits can be really ingrained in us. But, they are changeable. I just think it would be helpful to find out the source of this feeling rather than try other ways to mask it.
  • silentKayak
    silentKayak Posts: 658 Member
    Save calories for nighttime snacking. I always eat something after dinner. You just have to work it into your budget. I like airpopped popcorn, yogurt and fruit, a light ice cream bar, or chocolate rice cakes. All yummy and under 100 cals.

    Another idea is to add more exercise. I got an exercise bike for the living room, so now I can crank out 200-300 calories in the early evening instead of sitting on the couch. That "earns" me a small snack and a glass of wine, and then I'm tired enough to go to bed earlier.