135by60 Member


  • 1. Make sure you're consuming enough protein throughout your day as protein keeps you feeling fuller for longer. 2. Don't consume empty calories. If it doesn't have a decent amount of protein and/or other nutrients, don't consume it. This goes for everything you drink too. And don't forget about gum, hard candies, etc. Log…
  • This happens to me alllll the time. Database doesn't work for me most of the time either "Uh oh. There was a problem with your request" pretty much everytime I try to find something. For some reason it usually works when I'm using 'Add an ingredient' in the recipe builder (but is also glitchy when I'm using 'Replace an…
  • Yes, thank you, I did figure out that it had to do with my heart rate. How Garmin thinks 35 minutes of moderate intensity equals 771 calories burned is beyond me!
  • I'm also anemic and have been for pretty much my whole life. I take OTC iron supplements to keep it under control. If you lack iron to the point that you are feeling dizzy, eat something high in iron. I don't understand your logic of eating all those super sugary foods. No one needs to help you with your anemia, you can…
  • I eat a lot of junk. But I eat a lot of good stuff too. I'm trying to find what will work for me long-term, as in , the rest of my life. And I enjoy treats so I needed to find a way to have them. I too lol'd at *what is junk food?* Please.
  • I love K pastry crisps. They are yummy. The fruit crisps are good too. I like the Fibre 1 brownies and the lemon bars. I also eat a ton of fruit with Light Cool Whip. Or with frozen yogurt. Or both haha. I like the Yoplait Source lemon Meringue yogurt. I want to try some of their other dessert ones too. I was thinking of…
  • I bought into a lot of these kinds of *myths* in the past. Don't eat this, can't eat that, must eat breakfast, must not eat after 8 pm. This time around I threw all of that out the window. I eat when I'm hungry and I burn more calories than I eat. Period. So far so good! Losing 1.5lbs a week, steadily.
  • I also find your repeated use of the word *robust* interesting. From Dictionary.com:( <- see that? It's called *citing a source* It's a handy little thing people do to back up their otherwise completely empty assertions) 1. strong and healthy; hardy; vigorous 2. strongly or stoutly built 3. suited to or requiring bodily…
  • This: Does not coincide with this: You very clearly have an axe to grind. It is obviously vitally important to you to feel okay about overeating and being slightly overweight. But you aren't okay with it. So you need to *attack* people who look at food primarily as a source of fuel as opposed to a source of pleasure. It's…
  • I bought the Misfit Flash a few weeks ago for $50 and I love it. I've heard some people have lost it out of the wristband but I only use the clip and it's all good. It's waterproof to 30m which is good as I plan to start swimming laps in a few months. I clip it on as soon as I get up in the morning and take it off at…
  • I eat a bowl of frozen yogurt with fruit and light cool whip almost every night. I get a massive sundae for under 200 cals. Last night I had kiwi, peach and mango with cool whip and lemon meringue Yoplait Source dessert yogurt. Soooooo good. I also love the Special K pastry crisps. They are delicious and satisfy my treat…
  • It's the whole 'humblebrag' thing. No matter how you slice it, 108.4 lbs is not fat. When thin girls do the whole 'ugh! I'm soooo fat!!' shtick, it comes off as really disingenuous, fake and compliment-hunting. It's also grossly insensitive. I mean, yeah, there's too sensitive. And then there's seriously lacking in…
  • I've had headache and migraine issues all my life. I think menopause has made them worse. I avoid high protein foods when I have a headache as it makes it much worse. Could that be happening with you? I can't eat cheese or peanut butter or nuts when I have a headache or it gets much worse. Sugary stuff is a big trigger…
    in Headache Comment by 135by60 January 2015
  • He thinks you said 'maybe you reminded her of her husband' lol
  • I'm 50 and started back to college last September. The stress and pressure is unbelievable. I'm also struggling with being an outcast and rather ostracized. Of my 30 classmates, only 3 have been gracious and inclusionary. The rest are obvious in their exclusion to the point they don't even respond when I'm speaking to…
  • You can add me too. As my name says, I want to be 125lbs by my 51st birthday, which is mid-June and I'm at 150lbs right now. I agree that it is attainable if we engage our self-discipline and stay motivated.
  • I just joined myfitnesspal a few days ago. As my username says, I want to get down to 125 lbs by my 51st birthday in mid-June. I'm currently 150 lbs. I was the woman everyone hated because I could eat anything and was still skinny. I spent my teen years being ridiculed for being a scrawny stick. I had body issues because I…