kikilieb3 Member


  • Me too, I try to find time to exercise but between working full time at a sedentary job and coming home and having to get the chores done, I find it more and more hard to find time to exercise (like vigorous exercise, not cooking and dishes and laundry). I'm right there with you Dumpling, it gets harder with age!
  • Thank you for the add ^_^
  • I would love to be your friend. I find a lot of encouragement from MFP friends who have been successful!
  • I'll add you! I'm 39 Starting weight: 233 Current weight: 252 :( Goal weight: 179 I ride bike and do aerobics. I want to start back on weight training like I did a few years ago, but I'm waiting on that one, just getting some of this weight off is my first goal. I don't want to do "too much too soon". My blood pressure has…
  • I'd love to add you as a friend, I've gained weight this holiday season as well, but I am more motivated than ever because I'm starting to have high blood pressure.
  • My name is Kiki, I am 39 and a half years old and I need to lose 60-80 pounds. I've been struggling all year to do this, I can always give encouragement as well.
  • Great questions and answers. I'm learning a lot! newyorkcity, if you are looking for more MFP friends with similar goals I would love to add you as a friend. I will send a request, but please don't feel obligated to accept. I know some people might like to be a little more private.
  • Thank you heybales! Oh my, now that I read your post I seem to recall the Scooby calculator to recalculate after a weight loss. Good to know, because I probably would have kept eating 2500 calories forever! Even though I did think that sounds like a lot of food. Anyway, it is working for me right now, so after I lose 5 or…
  • Also, just a quick note on how I gained so much weight when I can eat so much each day. Many years ago I went through a bad phase in my life (quit smoking, quit drinking, broke up with my long-term boyfriend and lost my job due to a massive layoff at work). I got so depressed and started eating probably 3,000+ calories per…
  • Yes, yes and yes. I love laughing and my diary is open. Today will be an example of a very bad day, but the two weeks prior to this are pretty okay! I'm just trying to do the best I can, but if I stumble from time to time it is okay :)
  • I actually had to start at "maintenance" level and very gradually cut back on calories. I lost 7 pounds this month at an average of 1950 calories per day. My tracker doesn'T show the weight loss because I had started MFP in January but then gained weight in April, May and June. I am still heavier than I was in January, but…
  • Me too, I do better when I have friends, I will add you ^_^
  • Yes, it is possible! And I am trying to lose 69 pounds. Add me as a friend, we can do this together ^_^
  • I'll be your friend. I am addicted to food and while I was exercising and slowly cutting back on calories (and I mean slowly) I was doing okay. Then I had a bike accident and couldn't do any hardcore exercising and have gained back 20 lbs this year. Now I am trying to take it off again, but I also became addicted to the…
  • I'd love to be your friend. I was riding bike a lot last year and I LOVED it! After an accident that fractured a knee I wasn't able to be active for a while, but now I am back and trying to get back into shape and hopefully get back to some healthier food choices.
  • I am starting over again as well. I was on MFP for three years and was doing really well, then I had an accident and hurt my leg really badly. Nine months later, I've gained back all the weight I worked SO hard to lose. I am just desperately trying to find that "new" thing that will work for me to get back into shape. I…