Food Addict

Mbilo Posts: 4 Member
Just joined this site again to track my calories. I am a food addict and it seems to be getting worse the last few years instead of better. I am good about working out but I eat constantly, yes even when I'm not hungry. Any advice/help would be appreciated. thanks


  • searsvls
    searsvls Posts: 164 Member
    I am in the same boat. I think that I am a food addict. I look forward to every bite that I take. Wish I could be addicted to exercise the way that I am to wine and cheese :)
  • nicoladucklings
    nicoladucklings Posts: 2 Member
    Ditto, people ask what are you're vices when it comes to food but mine is everything...chocolate, crisps, takeaways, fruit, cheese, meat, fish, you name it I love it, hoping this site will help get me on the right track :)
  • Mbilo
    Mbilo Posts: 4 Member
    I quit smoking 10 yrs ago and then went to gum and then hard candies, now I just eat everything. I am not a large person but i have gained 40 lbs in the last 3 years. It seems once i start eating i just cant stop. I do like to exercise and do it about 4-5 times a week but with the overeating its just an endless battle. good luck to both of you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    Maybe see a therapist. Sounds like you swapped one addiction for another. You solved the smoking issue, but not the real issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • kikilieb3
    kikilieb3 Posts: 19 Member
    I'll be your friend. I am addicted to food and while I was exercising and slowly cutting back on calories (and I mean slowly) I was doing okay. Then I had a bike accident and couldn't do any hardcore exercising and have gained back 20 lbs this year.

    Now I am trying to take it off again, but I also became addicted to the food again, so I am trying to slowly lower my daily calorie intake again. If I cut calories too quickly my brain freaks out!

    I also quit smoking about 8 years ago, that's when my weight started creeping up. I'd still rather be fat than smoking. So, good for you to quit smoking. I think [hope] that's more important.
  • Mbilo
    Mbilo Posts: 4 Member
    yes quitting smoking was more important of course. my weight would always fluctuate but i have alwasy been a big eater. Good for you that you stopped smoking. its sad about the bike accident and not being able to exercise. slowly lowering your calorie intake is a good idea. i will try to do that and this app will help. i just need to stick with it. I know the food addition is all mental. I am depressed and food makes me happy. so you are right a therapist is a good idea. What is my real issue i wonder? lol so many issues i think. thanks for the support!
  • me1103
    me1103 Posts: 1 Member
    Stop fighting the food addiction and just find tasty foods that are healthy in large quantities and keep those kinds of foods around your house in your car and in your desk at work. I recommend finding some kind of nuts you enjoy plain and lots of prepreped salad fixings with a tasty go to vinaigrette or other light salad dressing and never go grocery shopping while hungry!
  • WallysWife102614
    WallysWife102614 Posts: 19 Member
    Add me! I'm a fellow food addict who gets it. Trust me.