-when after a shower, your towel on your head makes the whole of your back damp
Nope haha Can you play a musical instrument?
Cones, traffic, yellow
Are we living in a dream or real life or what is this??
I'll bring the salsa
Thanks! I'll take that into precaution next time :)
Ohhhhh that's cool!
That's really cool! A veggie lasagna!
Yeah, it is quite shocking haha I need to start eating like that, how would you cook the meat and veg? Grill or non stick pan?
Thanks guys :) that last link is really good, it tells you how filling things are per calorie, so you get the most out of what you eat
How about a stir-fry?
Ok, thanks guys probably gonna do a bit on the bike machine and then some yoga :)
Oops, Turn:burn
Yeah, hah that's true, I got the app today too, but gonna start it for real tomorrow
Hi :D