erinseattle Member


  • @sadsongkrysy - my macros have been Keto: 5% carbs, 25% protein, 75% fat. My protein is around 75g/day.
  • and
  • About 6 weeks after going LCHF, my period went haywire. It regulated itself in 2 months. That was 20 months ago, and I have had 2 breaks from LCHF & each time I go back, I have some spotting. I think it's what happens when your eating directly affects your insulin, which is a hormone.
  • I eat an average of 1500 calories/day and almost never reach my fat limit - I love protein and I'm always a bit high there. I do measure and weigh most foods, particularly fats, because I have a lingering fear of calories & gaining back my weight. Some people do quite well just eating when hungry and stopping when…
  • Some folks can eat off plan and be fine, others (like me) consider themselves in recovery from food addiction or an unhealthy relationship with food, still others are here because LCHF is healing their medical conditions. I'm glad you have found balance in allowing yourself high carb foods, but for some of us it's a really…
  • @RalfLott - go for it! @ChoiceNotChance - calories matter for me, too. My last "stall" was from a handful of almonds here and there - just a few hundred extra calories daily adds up. It's frustrating, for sure. I had a serious week of cranky pants after I had my Bod Pod analysis last June - I worked SO hard and didn't make…
  • Every so often I do what I call "lockdown" - it means I set my goals and absolutely adhere to them. I usually have a fixed amount of time, so I can concentrate and not be tempted. It always gets the scale moving. I'm currently in lockdown which means no alcohol, carbs 20g or less, eat when hungry, hydrate, exercise, sleep.…
  • I lost 7 aluminum step ladders!
  • On March 25, @Sunny_Bunny_ wrote a post called "There is no such thing as a stall" and I don't know how to share the link from my phone - look for it. I bookmarked it because it was such great info!
  • I'm 49 years old, 5'2", 120ish lbs. I'm considered normal. I have my lean/fat analysis every few months so I know exactly where I'm at. Here's the thing: I would kind of like to be at 115, I like how the number sounds, I would like my legs to be slimmer. That said, I'm not sure that doing the work to get there is something…
  • Honestly, it's all about doing what I love to do that makes me sweat and challenges me.
  • What everyone said here - love this group! This book is also super helpful.
  • This book answers the question in detail. Because I am fully fat adapted, I can exercise on an empty stomach and I have access to thousands of calories of fuel without re-fueling. It's a great book that explains the process in detail.
  • I'm glad you are sharing your frustrations here, I wish I had done that last June. I was within 6 lbs of goal and felt like I was doing EVERYTHING right but when the scale didn't reflect my hard work, I let my negative self-talk derail my efforts. I went way out of ketosis & LCHF and had food party that lasted all summer.…
  • This has happened to me forever - before I was Keto and after. I just try to get home and shower ASAP & then it doesn't happen.
  • This book also helped me quite a bit....
  • Until I hit goal, I didn't eat back my exercise calories. My trainer advised me to do this, because I was exercising to either eat more or to correct poor food choices and she wanted me to exercise to increase strength, flexibility, and aerobic health. I think I have a better relationship with exercise now, and if I cannot…
  • I've done this a couple of times since going LCHF and on January 3 of this year I recommitted and went full Keto. I felt like crap and just made the decision. Not the same decision I have made in the past - I made a DECISION. So for 60 days I had a list of daily goals and I am really happy to have stuck to it. The 60 days…
  • I lift twice a week, cardio intervals 4 times a week.
  • I'm 18 months into this and the biggest challenge for me has been learning to eat due to hunger and not the clock. I generally come home from the gym and have a snack around 11am, so I don't have much of a lunch. The other thing I've learned is that I naturally gravitate toward protein, so it's not like I need to plan it…
  • Toasted and topped with butter, granulated Swerve, and cinnamon ☺️
  • I started at 50g carbs per day and that was a lot to wrap my head around - eating fat was mind blowing. I just ate what I liked, but the full fat versions. I dumped ALL grains. I kept some fruit. Over the course of the next 18 months, I've tightened up my macros and here's last week's numbers: Sun Mar 19 C 137 = 20g = 6% F…
  • Great book: Great podcast:
  • @FIT_Goat I wish I had posted this question 18 months ago - your response would have saved me $700 in medical bills! The first time I dropped my carbs, my period went on (lightly) for about 2 months. My OBGYN had me do an ultrasound and biopsy. Came out all clear, of course. I've been fat adapted for awhile now and cycle…
  • I think it's really personal - I'm Keto but it took me awhile to get here. Part of it is determined by goals and the other part is just personal preference. One of my trainers is an Ironwoman and did the NYC Marathon this year - she thinks I'm insane for giving up fruit. My point is that what works for one person won't…
  • I take magnesium daily, along with a multivitamin and MSM for a joint condition. I started LCHF and transitioned to Keto over 18 months. I am now in maintenance. It takes time to find your personal rhythm; explore how you feel, your hunger and thirst, what foods truly satisfy you. The right combination of foods and…
  • I'm excited to toast it tomorrow morning... We will see if I can hold out that long!
  • You posted this, so I ordered the protein powder and shopped for ingredients. I am right now eating GRILLED CHEESE. For REAL. I am so happy!! Thank you for encouraging me!
  • 18 months ago, I began with 50g/day. I am now down to about 20g/day, but it can be slightly above due to vegetables.
  • HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I have gone on a couple of vacations since I began this woe and each time I get a little better at managing my choices. I think you're doing great! When you come home, just return to business as usual!