Hi, I guess that I should have said that I am no wheat as well. RA is Rhematoid Arthritis. I have not had any wheat since 1/10/15, have lost 6 pounds so far. From what I am reading I should be seeing a lot more weight loss by this time?
No, I have been just working on not eating wheat. I have started up with MyFitnessPal again and I will work on it going forward.
Hi, I am 52 and I have been wheat free for 3 weeks now. Starting to feel great. Now, just to be able to lose more weight, so far only 3 lbs. so I am doing something wrong. I am doing HFLC. Help!
Hi Jeannie. I too have RA, Lupus and diabetes. I take Plaquenil, Lyrica and Metformin. I used to take MTX and had barely tried Leflunomide for a few weeks. I had a scare with lung issues, so I am off both of those. I have stopped wheat as of 3 weeks today. I am starting to feel better. I want to lose weight, but have only…
Hi, I started HFLC 3 weeks ago today. I am feeling better and no longer craving wheat. However, I have only lost 3 lbs. Not sure what I am doing wrong? Help!
I am doing this as well. However, I am doing something wrong cause I have only lost 3 lbs in 3 weeks? I haven't had any wheat since 1/10/15. I know that I don't drink enough water, but what could I be doing wrong?