freddo52 Member


  • What a brilliant story. You re doing brilliant keep up the good work and focused... I ve just started in January and have been going very slow. But at least I'm still sticking at it. Glad to read you're story as it keeps me motivated too.. :)
  • Yea just thought it would be more 16lbs in total from January.
  • Your right there, sometimes we can make excuses, so this week I am going to be more determined.. I have a long way to go...
  • Hi Birdie, glad to hear you've started back to it... Sometimes it's hard keeping motivated... I'm gonna try hard this week... Hope you do too..... I'm gonna just take it slow and not try to rush it maybe it will stay off longer....
  • Hi Gail, my name is Winnie. I come from Northern Ireland. Sorry to hear your not feeling well..I find weight to be a constant battle,but I started about 3weeks ago and so far I've lost 10 lbs. I've started going to a trainer guy I know and he s putting me through my paces.. My weigh in is tomorrow so here's hoping.... 23.3…
  • I ll make sure and cut back next two days plus up the exercise as my weigh in day is Wednesday..
  • Hi it's nice to hear from you, I have a long way to go but I'm going to keep trying.....