ivallena23 Member


  • I'm a grazer so I've been trying to keep healthy snacks with me throughout the day. It keeps me from making bad quick decisions and over eating when I have a meal.
  • Maybe that's part of it. I understand fat is not bad and we need it but in my food choices I might not be eating enough fats by accident
  • No I tried to meal prep to make the mornings easier. (Not a morning person). I bought two bunches of kale, one bunch spinach, and one avacado and put them all in the blender and froze the liquid in a muffin tin and use one of the pucks per smoothie. So it's real stuff. But I wonder if freezing it messed with it
  • Add if you would like. I'd love to have mutual support
  • Thank you! :)
    in I'm back! Comment by ivallena23 May 2016
  • Hi there, I'm in need for the same thing. Feel free to add me if you wish. The more friends to motivate, the better! Good luck, Morgan
  • I completely understand. I've had the app for a bit but never took it seriously or stuck with it. I'm determined to lose around 40 pounds. Honestly you just have to remember to be honest with it. I have a hard time with that when I eat sweets but the app makes you realize that no matter how scrumptious oreos are, it's a…
    in Hello Comment by ivallena23 January 2015