

  • Yeah, my drive is similar. Temperature freezing this weekend. Point made! Just kidding about the North Sea! My eldest is off to the Caribbean on Friday, sigh. He was born near the North sea like me, but I haven't noticed him rushing back.
  • I'm going to be very brave and TRY and send a photo of me and my friend (red pants) just before she attempted to swim to Denmark. You will notice brave ANNE is on the way OUT, boy the water was cold.
  • P.S. I think it's actually "there where the waves break free". Oh who cares, you'd think old Thor would have shuffled off somewhere warm seeing he was the God of Thunder and War, him and his hammer.
  • BOB, before your time I guess, but you like music and there was a song out when I was a kiddie, which went something like - "Clang, clang on the anvil down by the dark North sea, 'Tis Thor clanging on his anvil, there where the winds blow free." Now, I ask you, doesn't that have more appeal than the Virgin islands? ANNE
  • JACKIE, another incident of the perils of North Yorkshire. That same ram encounter day, we ended up in Whitby for fish and chips. It was October and my friend took one look at the cold North sea and decided she was going for a swim. We tried to dissuade her as the North sea is supposedly the coldest sea in the world and…
  • Hello JACKIE, I'm not surprised you were put off the Yorkshire rural scene in winter. I remember a bunch of people going to Goathland to spend Christmas Day in that beautiful hotel up there. It snowed and it snowed and there they remained for well over a week with a helicopter dropping them food. I remember wishing it was…
  • P.S. See you on sneakers.
  • Oh, no thank you, MARIE. I am getting older, and with the spring on the way I'll be back to gardening etc, and probably not on the forums so much. Just thought it a shame, but I can understand as you are on two other sites I believe. God bless, ANNE ❤️
  • MARIE! So it's goodbye to golden years and hello to sneakers! I won't post here again but I have a soft spot for this site as you were my first forum. ANNE
  • Oh yes SHIRLEY our region is in for a VERY chilly weekend. I shall be cuddling close to the heating vents on Valentine's day! Worse on Sunday, -16C I believe. Brrrrrrr.
  • BUZZ I had to smile this morning at your comment "where's Heathcliff"? As you now know I was born in Heathcliff country. Well my DH (departed husband) was a very handsome, but silent and morose man with an explosive temper, and his private nickname amongst my Yorkshire family was Heathcliff. So indeed, where IS Heathcliff.…
  • JACKIE, thank you for a taste of "home". Your video is not of the Yorkshire dales and moors but similar, and I remember Bodmin moor so well. George is one lucky doggy. Anne
  • BOB, BOB, BOB, listen to your wife! Consider writing a book! And don't forget to add the humorous things that have happened along the way. Remember the girl at the gym with the humongous jug of water? That was so funny! I have another saying for you that I like and you have obviously drawn upon. WHERE THERE'S A WILL…
  • Thought you folks might be interested in what happened to me, yesterday, early evening. Just skip if not of course. Earlier I mentioned I had moved all my furniture. My youngest son & DIL arrived and I knew I'd get a lecture, so I shot into the bathroom whilst they discovered the new look. "Your moms moved the furniture…
  • MARIE !!! - when you put it like that, we 3 have about 252 years between us! Heavens!!! - I've never had a sister! Thanks for the honour! ANNE
  • Morning girls, yes, another lovely day in sunny Canada. Who am I kidding! It's overcast, and lightly snowing! The snow fairies, in the form of two hefty contractors, came during the night, waking me out of my beauty (ahem) sleep and dug me out for the 8th time. At this rate I am on a winning streak! Money wise that is.…
  • BUZZ, just a quick reply because I've just got up at 6:39 and I'm wandering about in my usual woozy self feeding Tabitha Daisy and me our breakfasts. It's to say thank you from my nosey self for your reply. That's a very interesting life you've led! I've never MET a silversmith before. You'll always find certain people who…
  • ISANDI, I'm so happy for you. Glad everybody came to their senses. Weddings ARE stressful times. BUZZ, I'm always impressed by your posts. Thanks for the reassuring MFP news. I probably shouldn't ask and of course you won't answer if I am out of line, but I wonder what your career job was? You seem a very wise and…
  • I am so impressed BOB. Absolutely marvellous. You write very well, and you are a photographer too. Have you considered compiling your journey into book form with photos? I think it would be very inspirational for a lot of people still in your old shoes. Become a teacher. It would be a shame for so much knowledge to end…
  • MARIE, another day, and I hope Jerry is feeling a deal better. Such a grey, snow in the air sort of day here. Mounds of snow in my yard. Definitely a stay in day! ANNE
  • Happiest congratulations, BOB
  • JACKIE, I sort of said it previously, you can take me out of Yorkshire, but you can't take the Yorkshire pud out of me! Beef and no pud and gravy!!! Oh Jackie! Your comments to ISANDI were very good, spot on, and exactly what I was trying to say. You did it better. What on earth's happened to good manners and thinking of…