

  • Hi great effort! I'm down 3kg since the new year and finally out of the 70's! It's hard when everyone talks in pounds but knowing what u are in pounds helps! Anyone feel free to add me and we can motivate eachother
  • Hi ladies it's the same here for me too! Can I add you as friends and we can keep eachother motivated
  • Hi there I'm a first time mum too! I have an 8wk old. I always had a little waist and good core but seems long gone! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can keep eachother motivated. My Physio advised me to start with lots of pelvic floor exercises for deep core strength and try things like Pilates/body balance before…
  • Congratulations! We are so similar! I just had my first baby girl on 27th November and I'm 5"0 as well. She's 8 weeks now and I'm 150 but would love to get down to 120 or so. The baby weight didn't just melt off like people said!! Please anyone feel free to add me as a friend and let's keep eachother motivated!
  • Hi everyone I'm so glad I found this thread! Been on MFP for a while but it's not so fun without friends! Please anyone feel free to add me! I'm 31 and have a 3month old. I used to be really fit but now have 40pounds to lose! I'm hoping to do this by the end of the year. Let's motivate eachother!