newbie to forum.. Hi from Aussie girl

Hi everyone. I have been using MFP for awhile now.. Love it.. I have already lost 9 kilos and 12% body fat. Started at 74 kilos


  • sleibo87
    sleibo87 Posts: 403 Member
    Great job! keep it up
  • Vido_P
    Vido_P Posts: 93
    9 kgs is amazing! Do you find it confusing most things are in lbs here?
    Keep up the great work!
  • karoxl
    karoxl Posts: 24
    Hi. I am from Australia . Benn doing mfp for a few months now. Wasn't losing so my son bought me some new scales for Xmas. Proved my old ones were wrong and I ended up being 6 kilo heavier than I thought so feel like I am starting over. I have also created a fb page for all Aussies if they would like to join.
    please share and join with any other mfp aussie friends
  • weg2209
    Hi great effort! I'm down 3kg since the new year and finally out of the 70's! It's hard when everyone talks in pounds but knowing what u are in pounds helps! Anyone feel free to add me and we can motivate eachother