eviexxx247 Member


  • yeah thanks ncboiler, i bought a scale last week, im not eating back any just staying within what i said, well ill just keep going n hopefully being morbidly obese and waking up n making it all up in my head what to do, is right, sounds like trouble to me lol we will see soon enough im sure x
  • aww im happy to admit im stupid lol, im mostly happy but the guy thats saying burn more than u put in, that sounds great in theory, but how do u know what ur burning cos i read (told u i google everything ) that the calories burned on the machine arent correct so its showing me im burning like 400, but how are u meant to…
  • I'm glad I wrote this post and greatful for all your replys, I do think I'll up my calories to 1300 and stop expecting overnight miracles
  • Yeah I've seen that and thought that's not normal too lol I'll keep an eye on this post as ur on to something