Help please

I started dieting jan 11th weighing in at 19st2, in 17st 5 today put 1lb on sat past, lost 4lb sat before that and put 1lb on the week before that, so in effect in the last 3 weeks I've lost 3lb
I feel like I'm stuck, Sunday was day1 week 3 of starting a gym which I've never done before, I'm kinda blind to what I'm doing, I'm eating 800 to 1200 cals a day, I'm doing 4/5 50 min sessions at the gym a week, 2 hours walking a week and 45 mins at the swimming pool, never did anything before so this is gd for me, but I'm so utterly disheartened because I'm sticking to it


  • midpath
    midpath Posts: 246 Member
    Woah stop that! Eat more calories if you're exercising that much. I honestly think 1200 calories is bad for anyone. Don't try to lose too fast. Think of your age, it took this long for you to get here, its not going to be a short journey to get back either. You will end up bingeing one of these days or quitting eating altogether because this behavior can lead to eating disorders. What I personally did is fond out the maintenance calories of my goal weight which is 430 less calories than the maintenance of my current weight. So I've already got my deficit by eating 1800 calories a day, and then I exercise an hour a day 4-5 times a week and log that exercise and eat back a fourth of the calories I burned. That's just what I do and I'm by no means a scientist or health expert but I've been losing about a pound a week and I'm getting very fit, not to mention I feel better and I'm never hungry.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    Three pounds in the three weeks isn't bad at all! Be careful with eating less than 1200 calories a day. It's generally not a wise idea to do that.

    Don't get hung up on short term weigh-ins because you body weight is going to fluctuate +/- several pounds at any given time. For example if someone asks me how much I weigh I would tell them somewhere between 221lbs and 224lbs - I really don't know for sure because of normal variation.
  • Adiemus200
    Adiemus200 Posts: 63 Member
    1200 calories is very low. Personally I don't think 1200 is very sustainable. When I first joined myfitnesspal I ate 1300 net and some days I really struggled. I upped my calories and Im much happier and I am still losing.
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    You lost almost two stone in two months. By my calculation, that' over 30 pounds. (I started on Jan 13 and am very happy to have lost 16 pounds!) WOW, that is wonderful. I think the only problem you're having is your expectations. They're too high. You can't expect to safely lose more than 2 pounds a week, and anything less than 1200 calories (and probably more at your current weight) isn't good. I suggest you slow down, eat more, eat as much healthy stuff as you can and try to make sure you get the right proportion of carbs, fats, proteins and sugars.

    You didn't get to almost 20 stone in a short time and you can't shed it in a short time either. Try to make this more enjoyable for yourself. Do the exercises you enjoy, even if that's just walking. Prepare interesting meals that are healthy and enjoyable. No meal should be a punishment for you being heavy. You deserve to enjoy yourself, even when you're doing weight loss.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    you have only got 20lb to go. weight loss slows down the less u have to lose. up your calories to a healthy maintainable number. right now u will be losing muscle mass. 1lb a week is ideal. especially if u plan to keep it off. i know it can be tough when it doesnt come off faster. there is more to being healthy though than just the number on the scale
  • eviexxx247
    eviexxx247 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm glad I wrote this post and greatful for all your replys, I do think I'll up my calories to 1300 and stop expecting overnight miracles