not got a clue what im doing


im 36 yrs old, stood on the scales jan 11th and almost died (266lbs), so the diet started and im getting there, im now 224 llbs, the problem is this, I seriously havent a clue what im doing.
Im now eating 1100 - 1350 cals per day and 5 weeks ago i joined a gym for the first time, again no clue but basically give or take a few mins im doing this
treadmill (walking as fast as i can without running for 15 mins
bike for 15 mins
cross trainer for 15 mins
rowing for 5 mins

so for last 5 weeks, ive been doing 4/5 sessions at 45 - 60 mins

i dont wanna be barbie, i dont wanna be super strict, but i am prepared to work hard to get healthy and slimmer, just feel im seriously blind here and aint got a clue what im doing, i know im losing weight and understand this is a permanent change, just scared that im doing everything wrong


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You're losing weight and exercising. Way to get it! Great job! You just keep doing what you're doing.
  • 10ecmuscle
    10ecmuscle Posts: 121 Member
    Keep things simple. Burn more than what is put in. If you do that It does not really matter what your overall calories are. But you dont want to shovel in 4000 calories and then have to burn 3000 of that off. Add in some muscle training routine in before your cardio and it will make the cardio 100 times more effective.
    Look up HIIT cardio.
  • Tammys_journey
    Tammys_journey Posts: 18 Member
    eviexxx247 wrote: »

    im 36 yrs old, stood on the scales jan 11th and almost died (266lbs), so the diet started and im getting there, im now 224 llbs, the problem is this, I seriously havent a clue what im doing.
    Im now eating 1100 - 1350 cals per day and 5 weeks ago i joined a gym for the first time, again no clue but basically give or take a few mins im doing this
    treadmill (walking as fast as i can without running for 15 mins
    bike for 15 mins
    cross trainer for 15 mins
    rowing for 5 mins

    so for last 5 weeks, ive been doing 4/5 sessions at 45 - 60 mins

    i dont wanna be barbie, i dont wanna be super strict, but i am prepared to work hard to get healthy and slimmer, just feel im seriously blind here and aint got a clue what im doing, i know im losing weight and understand this is a permanent change, just scared that im doing everything wrong

    I know exactly how you feel!!! I was just to scared to post because I'm afraid that people would think I'm stupid. This is how bad it is, the only protein I know is meat, fiber is veggies, I have no idea what kind of food carbs are, or anything. So I hope seeing some reply's might help me to!!!

    I weigh 256 feel free to add me we can do this together.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    You are on the right path. If you need a good support system you have come to the right place. You have lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time that's awesome! You might be interested in knowing as long as you have a lot of weight to lose you should lose around 2 pounds a week but as you get closer to goal you will lose less weight per week. Don't be discouraged, this is normal.

    Be happy, be healthy, be you :) Don't deprive yourself too much and enjoy the journey because it is worth it in the end.
  • eviexxx247
    eviexxx247 Posts: 8 Member
    aww im happy to admit im stupid lol, im mostly happy but the guy thats saying burn more than u put in, that sounds great in theory, but how do u know what ur burning cos i read (told u i google everything ) that the calories burned on the machine arent correct so its showing me im burning like 400, but how are u meant to know, its all just a guessing game and thanks i will add u tammy we can lose our fat butts together
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    eviexxx247 wrote: »
    aww im happy to admit im stupid lol, im mostly happy but the guy thats saying burn more than u put in, that sounds great in theory, but how do u know what ur burning cos i read (told u i google everything ) that the calories burned on the machine arent correct so its showing me im burning like 400, but how are u meant to know, its all just a guessing game and thanks i will add u tammy we can lose our fat butts together

    Pay attention to the calories you eat. Exercise calories are nice but not necessary as the biggest bang for your buck will come from lowering your calorie intake. You can eat back calories or not eat them back, that's up to you. If you do just be aware that exercise calories are often times overstated and with that in mind many people only eat back half of them if they eat them back at all.

    Get a scale to weigh your food because tracking calories and being accurate about it is very important.
  • eviexxx247
    eviexxx247 Posts: 8 Member
    yeah thanks ncboiler, i bought a scale last week, im not eating back any just staying within what i said, well ill just keep going n hopefully being morbidly obese and waking up n making it all up in my head what to do, is right, sounds like trouble to me lol we will see soon enough im sure x
  • 4theking
    4theking Posts: 1,196 Member
    Add me and I will answer every question you have. I love to help people!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    For someone without a clue, you seem to have found your way pretty well! Nice variety of exercise and healthy're very much on your way! Make sure you're getting a good amount of protein in your diet, and I really don't see you have much to worry about.

    Keep it up!


  • Pootler74
    Pootler74 Posts: 223 Member
    It looks to me like you're doing well! All I can add is that at your weight, if you have patience, you could eat a lot more than you are now and still lose at a nice rate. Everyone's body is different, but I started this diet at about your weight and lost about 1.5 pounds a week eating about 1800-2000 calories a day (averaged out to include days I over ate.) I ate back most of my exercise calories too. Now at 30 pounds lighter, I'm still averaging about 1800 a day, and eating half my exercise calories, and still losing at the same rate.

    If you've been eating 1100 calories and increase them, you may gain water weight for a couple of weeks, but it should even out. Eating more, especially if you eat more protein, means that you conserve more muscle, and muscle burns more calories than fat. :)

    As for your exercise, add a little resistance training and I think you're good. You can challenge yourself in all sorts of ways in cardio to increase your fitness, by ramping up the levels for a minute or two, or even learning to run. You'll see lots of people here say that exercise is for health and weight loss happens in the kitchen and that's true. But I've found that as well as earning calories for wine and ice cream, exercise makes me fitter, and, the fitter I've become, the more I WANT to move around, just generally, which adds to the daily burn.

    It sounds to me like you're in the right place, mentally, to get this done. :) Make sure that you're doing it in a way that you can keep up for months or even years (because keeping the weight off is just the same as losing it really) and you will.
  • vfit10
    vfit10 Posts: 228 Member
    10ecmuscle wrote: »
    Keep things simple. Burn more than what is put in. If you do that It does not really matter what your overall calories are. But you dont want to shovel in 4000 calories and then have to burn 3000 of that off. Add in some muscle training routine in before your cardio and it will make the cardio 100 times more effective.
    Look up HIIT cardio.
    Amen !

  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You DO have a good idea. This is a great start and congrats on the loss. Like others have said, consume less than you burn. Soon you'll get an idea of how much you're burning doing your cardio, just by looking at the data you've accumulated (calories consumed and burned). If the machine says 400 and MFP says 500, try eating 250-300 back and see if you're still on the same track.