abb117 Member


  • I did most of my LISS on a treadmill actually. It is hard to substitute that for something else if you can't go to a gym or walk outside. I would recommend Googling what other options are out there
  • Hey guys! I actually finished the guide last week and restarted it this week. The results are crazy! Best work out I have ever done and it really changed my life. And I totally agree about insta, it really helped keep me motivated. Feel free to add me and let me know if you have any questions! =]
  • Kayla Itsines BBG 1.0 second time around
  • I tried to do macros at one point but I felt like it stressed me out too much because I wanted to work with the food that I already have haha. I think at some point I might try that again but as of now I just try to eat healthy foods in general. I know people who do follow the guide are very satisfied with it though!
  • @nicoletteamber I didn't use it, I just ate very healthy overall. I finished the guide last week and started over so I did week 1 day 3 today too and am sore as well even on the second time around. It truly works! I created a fitness instagram which I found helped me a lot. I'm @nettyb_bbg. I also felt that seeing other…
  • I can honestly say it is worth every penny!! It seriously changed my life
  • Hey ladies! I actually just finished the guide last week and restarted it today! It's awesome! Love meeting more bbg girls!
  • Mine is nettyb_bbg and I have loved having this along the way. I don't even have a "real" one haha
    in Fitness IGs Comment by abb117 April 2015
  • I fit into size 0 pants! I was aiming for size 2, but yesterday tried on 2 and they were a little loose but 0 was perfect. Unreal! Also, can ran two miles straight without stopping to walk, before I couldn't even run a mile!
  • The pb2 listed above is delicious. I like to spread the chocolate one on lightly salted rice cakes. It is absolutely delicious and only 80 calories total. has a recipe book for only about $7 with a bunch of healthy recipes for things like cookies, brownies, and cake that are under 100 calories and it all…
  • If you are eating out of boredom rather than hunger, I would try chewing gum. That has helped me sooo much in the past few months! But I've become kind of a gum addict :#
  • That's awesome! So happy for you! Congratulations!!
  • I would just like to repeat the fact that I do have a calorie deficit and work out a bunch during the week. All I wanted was a recommendation on what people thought about protein powder. Simple
  • If I eat meat, then I am pretty okay with hitting protein goals, but if I go a single day without meat then I don't even come close
  • I do resistance training 3-4 days a week along with cardio 6-7 days a week. I'm not trying to use protein powder instead of working out just as an addition to my daily routine. And I have been on a calorie deficit eating healthy for 2 months now, so it's not that I am looking for a quick fix. I just want to take things to…
  • I tried some protein powders as samples, and they were delicious! And I have read some recipes for homemade protein balls rather than buying protein bars that are processed in the store. I just wanted to see if there were any affects to my health in the future
  • I haven't heard anything negative about protein; I have heard negative things about protein powder. I read somewhere that it can cause damage to the kidneys
  • Thanks for all of the input. This was definitely helpful. And I still plan on doing research. I read somewhere that it can harm kidneys, so that part kind of scared me
  • Good luck ladies! It is seriously the best! I am currently on week 10 and it is very challenging but worth every second and results are crazy!
  • Thank you everyone for the support!
    in My Story Comment by abb117 April 2015
  • I was 145 at the end of January and I'm 128 now in just a little over 2 months. My goal is somewhere between 120-125 though so almost there but not there yet
  • Hey, good luck girls! Today was day 65 for me and keeping track here has really helped me. Feel free to add me for more motivation!
    in day one Comment by abb117 April 2015
  • I don't know if you have Instagram. But if you follow @thek2movement. It is a group specifically for people starting on April 6 so you will have plenty of motivation!
  • Also, I love motivating people. I am not a health coach by any means, but I have had some friends tell me that they are motivated by what I'm doing and that I am an inspiration to them. That means the world to me, and I would love to continue to help others with their fitness goals!
    in My Story Comment by abb117 April 2015
  • I had a similar problem. I lost 10 pounds in the first month and then the weight stopped moving for the second month then started up again. It sucks and is super frustrating and unmotivating, but it will start back up again, just don't give up!
  • Hey! I'm also in week 7 of BBG. I really love it and have seen more results in such a short amount of time than I ever thought possible! I would also love to meet people that are currently doing this program or have already done it!
  • I fit into a size 2 pants size! And my bra size went from a 34 to a 32. I have never been a 32. Ever!! Nor have I ever fit into size 2 pants!
  • It actually only took about 5 1/2 weeks. I'm doing the Kayla Itsines workouts plus some form of cardio everyday. And I have been very strict with my diet the entire time. It has paid off =]
  • I'm 5'2 and my goal was to lose 25 pounds. 12 pounds down so far. Looks like we are all in a similar boat. Feel free to add me!