thelolliemonster Member


  • I created my own cardio exercise and named it breastfeeding.. 10 minutes and 500 calories burned! Lol!
  • Yay!!! That is so invigorating! I did p90x the summer before I got married and was doing the one handed push-ups by the end. I NEVER would have thought my body could do that! It is incredible what we are capable of when we work hard!
  • Modify EVERYTHING your first week! It prevented me from being super sore and made a huge difference in my ability to do it everyday!
  • I am sticking to 1600 calories a day. I am trying to exercise 5 days a week with T25 but I am not letting myself eat the calories from it. As a breastfeeding mom I am hoping that will give enough flex in my diet to allow for French fries or ice cream every here and there (I am one who has to cheat a bit to stay on!). With…
  • You can get a heart rate monitor for $20 if you end up sticking with it! I love exercising with mine. I burn similar calories as Amy- I am 26, 5'2" 135 pounds and burn anywhere from 250-300 calories (and I feel like a horse kicked me in the quads when I am done!).