astripli Member


  • Your energy levels on day four can be directly related to your insulin resistance. Being type 2 diabetic you are insulin resistant. There is so much information out there on reversing this on the keto diet. You should look it up on youtube. With any diet, if you have any health issues already, you should ALWAYS talk to…
  • Make sure you use healthy fats when cooking, i made my own version of keto coffee that i love. It has coconut oil, butter, heavy cream, salt and stevia. It tastes like a cappuccino! It helps keep me full till lunch and gives me an energy boost. I also like to have almonds with my lunch sometimes. And bacon makes everthing…
  • Energy level has been an issue for me too. I take magnesium, multi vitamin, cod liver oil, Omega 3, and potassium at bedtime and a apple cider vinegar complex and B1 in the morning, these really help boost my energy immediately. I also make sure i keep my electrolytes up, as well as adding salt where i can. I still get…
  • I like to pop a sugar free worthers oringinal when i get my sweet tooth. Also i accidentally found a really good desert. Take 2 scoops chocolate flavored whey protein powder, 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, and water to taste. Mix then freeze in a popsicle container. May need to adjust measurements for your taste, but it…
  • I think I have learned more no no's than yes's. But I have to say I really do like protein powders. They fill you up, and help you reach or exceed your Protein goal for the day, and we all know protein builds muscle and muscle burns fat. I use 100% Whey protein since I am lactose and tolerant. Another trick I have learned…