dennyman100 Member


  • I guess it does. it has been around a month since i had a big loss. Since then it has been .5 lbs or so a week.
  • Mine usually says I need to eat back 800-1k calories at the end of the day. Here is how I go by it, MFP tells me I need to eat 1770 Cal a day to loose weight. I cut myself off at 2100 cal (I run everyday for an hour averaging around 500-700 cal burned). I also have mine set for lightly active but go over 15k-20k steps a…
  • I had that problem, just disconnected fitbit from MFP then reinstalled it and it worked fine for me.
  • Also, Think about the weather. As it starts to warm up you will get tired and groggy faster. I know that when it was chilly I could run with ease. Now we have peaked at 70 degrees and I was dying after 2 miles so i had to slow down some to keep my body from stopping all together.
  • Ya I dropped 23 pounds in 2 months. Then hit the wall, and just recently have I started seeing some loss in the form of .1-.5 pounds. However, I have had to add extra belt holes to my belt and am close to adding another soon. So I would say do not use weight as a judgement as to if your lifestyle is working or not. Trust…
  • Also, its these types of comments that make you look at yourself and feel terrible. I know I'm not strong enough to do a massive amounts of weightlifting and when I read your comment it really hurt. I took a few minutes and said "meh" I am married to a wonderful wife, working on a PHD in Chemistry, have a job lined up…
  • For the walking the dog, it was hard to do here with the temp being -30 everyday so no its not a normal activity. It just go warm enough to walk the dog so I started that last week. As for the 15lb the reason I stated that was I lifted them everyday and I had no strength whatsoever and after the second day I was hurting…
  • Ya i just put a post up about my exercise routine ( ) because I was wondering if maybe my routine was to rigorous for my current goals.
  • 1.5 lbs a week is what I have it set as and lightly active is what I have the activity level set as.
  • I dont log any activities into MFP, I just let FB do its calculations and then send that info to MFP. All of the numbers seem to be exactly the same on each site. It doesn't really bother me as I typically just go off of what MFP says and I figured FB was probably over calculating what exercises I do. So, I'll deal with it…
  • For those of you that do not know, go to your fitbit dashboard. On the right of the screen you have your settings wheel, then to the left of that there is messages and profile buttons. If you click on the profile button it will take you to the screen that others see when they view your profile. At the top of the page it…
  • if you link your profile here I will add you as a friend.
  • Scary what is your fitbit url?
  • Ahh yes you can do this as well. There is the link to my profile
  • I found it (I had to look for it as well) it needs emails for requests. I can pm you on MFP my email if you wanna be friends
  • Ya i was getting worried because this last week my weight began to jump up even though i had been running and working out. The only thing I could maybe contribute it to was sodium levels retaining the water I had been drinking.
  • I was around 205 starting out this year and here is the plan that has helped me loose over 20 pounds. I get up around 5-530 AM every morning to exercise (I have to teach at 8 am so thus the early workout). I start out with a slow core workout everyday (sit ups, reverse sit ups, push ups, and squats) Then I do some form of…