Fitbug92 Member


  • I figured out how to get the week 2 videos. I just went to week 8 and found the link there. Now, I have a playlist of the videos. Now, I just need to do them. :)
  • Thank you for the great videos during the weeks of this race. I have taken all but week 2 and put them together in one playlist (most of them, anyway). I didn't put in week 2 because I don't see it on the list. Could you repost that week or send me a link to the videos. Thank you again for your work with this. It was a lot…
  • Heh! Heh! I see now that I only needed to do hopscotching/jumping rope or finding nemo. And Finding Nemo is the arm workout - not the beauty of color. :) Well, my body appreciated the focus on the food. And I got in the hopscotching and jumping rope. It all turned out o.k. I have so much fun with this challenge. Every…
  • Lifestyle choices. 1. Floss. 2. Drink more water, less diet soda. 3. Eat more vegetables and fruit. 4. Eat more fiber. 5. Keep reading fitpal blog for inspiration. 6. Keep finding fun things like this challenge to motivate me. 7. Take time to rest. 8. Visit Starbucks less often. Something new - Do a group exercise class…
  • @MissionEnforcer #2. Hopping/Finding Nemo - I chose this because I figured I could do the jumping rope and hopscotching with the schedule I had for the week, and I wanted to focus on my food. It's easy when I have big projects to skip eating right. I'm still working on the hopscotching and jumping rope. Will complete by…
  • Team, I am here this week. I have a big project at work taking a big chunk of time. It will be done tomorrow. In the meantime, I'm done the six minute ab video twice and I am doing finding nemo. I will get my minutes logged soon and I'll step up my game of exercise, too. I'll get the list done too.
  • @tarpguys Take Care of You. :) Hope you feel better.
  • I started out this morning doing work stuff. I could have kept on, but I took a time out and went walking and to the grocery store. I have a super busy week coming up and I didn't want that to lead to me eating junk. Eating junk does not help me be my best. I'm glad I did that for me (and those who have to live and work…
  • Videos done! Yeah. I got in some exercise before work!!! Now if I don't get back this I won't feel guilt.
  • @darcijojo - Don't panic. :) It's o.k. to message folks and ask if everything is o.k. The spreadsheet is hard to do on the phone. I have to wait until I'm in front of computer, and I can't use my work computer for this.
  • Team, I am finding it hard to fit in minutes this week. My best intent to go to the gym last night was dashed away. I still managed to get in some exercise time. I do extra stair flights. I walk and talk on the phone with my weights. I dance at the copy machine waiting for it to do its thing. I walk as much as I can. Some…
  • Two videos done. 600 stairs done. Now to finish the rest and get in some walking. Going to gym after work to burn off anxiety. Let's go Team!!
  • This is going to be a challenging week. I have a little more than a week before a fundraising luncheon. I am determined to find some exercise time.
  • 300 stairs done for day one. Just five more days of 300. Tomorrow, I'm going to tackle StairMaster.
  • @novten82 the gym isn't my favorite spot, and I like my gym. My favorite, though, is being outdoors. That said - the gym can be effective. :) Keep dragging yourself. :wink: Some days I have to drag myself to walk - and I LOVE Walking. I just get lazy and want to sit on my behind instead of walking. That isn't going to help…
  • We were number 3 last week. Great! My bags are packed and I am ready to go to Peru. Not sure about climbing down those steps in Peru. Good gravy! Getting the stairs challenge done may be the biggest challenge. If I can get about 300 stair steps done for six days, I'll get it done. Certainly don't want to leave that til the…
  • I had more time this week to be active than normal, which is good. I am trying to lose weight. I truly believe more exercise is the key to success. For the most part, I've got the eating part down but it's not working on its own. I've stepped up the activity level since joining this challenge, and I've been focusing on not…
  • I'm in. Original starting weight: 194 Nov. 26/December starting weight: 189.5 December goal: 183 Ultimate goal: 175
  • I woke up this morning sore from head to toe from yesterday's Turkey Trot plus more walking. I put my whole body into that turkey trot, and my body was talking back about it. But I am in the middle of a workweek hustle challenge and overnight slipped from first to second place. So, I decided to get my behind moving. I'm…
  • @mckeon11 No black Friday shopping for me. :) unless it is online.
  • Happy Thanksgiving. Turkey Trot complete. Walked it. 4 miles in 59 min.
  • One Rockette session done. Two more to go. I'm glad I'm not a Rockette. Turkey Trot tomorrow. :) Goal is to get 15K steps tomorrow between Turkey Trot and walking. Today, I went to the gym - did that elliptical thing (going forward is easier than backwards) and treadmill and went for a walk in my neighborhood. Tonight,…
  • Hello, I am thankful for much in my life - my husband, my parents, my grandmother, my sister, my two nephews and the many friends in my life. I have a roof over my head, clean water to drink, clothes, a warm bed, my health, and so many opportunities every day. I live in a beautiful city with a mild climate. It was warm…
  • Ok. I signed up for a Turkey Trot. Now maybe I'll burn off calories to eat the pumpkin pie I want.
  • Few things spotted along my hike today. Videos done. Hike done. Under calorie count. :) I'll keep moving and getting minutes for exercise.
  • Four videos done. That was fun. Will do videos and hiking tomorrow.
  • @SmashleyM914 I have had the spreadsheet phone issue you mentioned before. Or when I access the spreadsheet on my phone it just spins....Thus, I gave up doing spreadsheet on phone and wait till I can get to computer.
  • Team. Aloha! I am here still. The past few days have been run, run, run from meeting to meeting. Today, I'm going to get in some miles and knock out some videos. I've caught up on my spreadsheet numbers and I'm keeping below my calorie count.
  • I am looking forward to tomorrow and seeing what challenges lie ahead and where we are going next. The organizers of this clearly put a lot of time into making this challenge. :)