Hey, that's awesome man! I've been wanting to build a PC for a while now. Do you know any budget builds for a mini itxx build?
You, you like anime and science! Add me! :DD I'm looking for geeky and dorky friends as well. I love anime,reading, programming (newb at it, barely learned C++), I also enjoy tech and science in general. I even modify and flash ROMs on my phone if anyone even understands. x- x So if anyone's interested then please feel…
Omg xD Yeah, that's why I made this thread. It's good to make friends with people who share the common interest of fitness but its sad that that's all it is. Feel free to add me c: I'm trying to find people who have common interests since I am starting from this app. I have managed to lose weight but I also want to make…
Very disappointing.
Are there really very few people who are interested in anime and such on MFP? This is becoming disappointing.
Bump bump bump bump.
There's a limit? Damn. I'll try sending one. xD
Bump bump bump.
Bump bump.
Seriously? That's awesome. Haha. Well again, feel free to add me if you wish so we can talk about anime and videogames.
Oh damn, yeah, I know how being a full time college student is like xD Well thank you and I hope you have luck in your journey c:
Feel free to add me. I'm a college student also wanting to lose weight
One way or another, it will get done B) Do it doing the loading screens. That's what I do when I play LoL.
Real Otakus? Unless youre speaking about being a NEET then sure. o:
Work out during the commercial breaks and stuff! :DD do challenges! And YESSSS, finally I found someone interested in coding! You and I are going to talk about coding CX
You definitely can do it! And I must talk to you more about art ! <3
Aww ;-; I'm sorry to hear that dear. And hey! That's a huge achievement o: I've got 79 more to lose x-x
Toradora is adorable! X3 Oh! Watch Another Hana! Amazing anime c: and maybe Air Gear. And do you mean League of Legends? o:
Ahh, yeah same here. I still try to watch non major ones CX
I stopped before they left Hueco Mundo. Been thinking about picking it back up but I'm not sure.
You meant Baruto? x3
I am so jealous that you've been to con's ;- ; I've been craving to go to one ! And that's a good mindset! Some progress is progress! :DD
You and I have plenty to speak of about art video games and anime X3
Yes! AoT needs a season 2! They said may 2015 but nothing has showed up Dx
Bump ~
Don't worry, I'm on the same boat. I also need to lose 100 lbs so feel free to add me.
Feel free to add me!! On a journey to lose 100 lbs! Also feel free to message me ! c: