Animu buddies who are seeking fitness!!

iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
Otaku and Fujoshi brother and sisters! Come and look for friends who share the same interests as you ! All of us are on a journey to lose weight so we might as well make friends who share interests along the way whether it be anime, videogames, coding, fitness, drawing, etc. I personally am on a 100 lb journey of weight loss while in college so its going to be difficult. If you wish to add me feel free to do so. c: Oh! And everyone gets a free waifu or husbando! c:


  • julia_lu
    julia_lu Posts: 90 Member
    Hey!! Anime and videogames over here haha
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    julucru wrote: »
    Hey!! Anime and videogames over here haha

    Seriously? That's awesome. Haha. Well again, feel free to add me if you wish so we can talk about anime and videogames.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Bump bump.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Bump bump bump.
  • julia_lu
    julia_lu Posts: 90 Member
    iandrew124 wrote: »
    Bump bump bump.
    I'd like to send you a fr but I've reached the limit for the day lol I didn't know there was a limit
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    julucru wrote: »
    iandrew124 wrote: »
    Bump bump bump.
    I'd like to send you a fr but I've reached the limit for the day lol I didn't know there was a limit

    There's a limit? Damn. I'll try sending one. xD
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Bump bump bump bump.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Are there really very few people who are interested in anime and such on MFP? This is becoming disappointing.
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    Very disappointing.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Probably because the title doesn't say anime. *shrug*
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    I like anime well enough, though not as much as I used to. Just got behind on shows with everything else going on. Gamer chick, though. And I'm honestly not that social, but if you want to add me go ahead. Just let me know who you are as I don't like adding friends just to add friends, ya know?
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited July 2015
    I was a huge anime fan...then I had kids and now I just don't have time for it. I have creates of dvds and yes even VHS in boxes in my basement. I should totally sell that stuff on ebay. Same with games. I used to be a huge fan of RPGs now, I just don't have the time. In fact, I have a final fantasy and a .hack that are still in the wrapping...I never finished many games just laying around. I never got a new system after ps2. I'm old.

    That's kind of sad considering I once took a week of vacation from work to play Xenosaga
  • ariesfireangel
    ariesfireangel Posts: 30 Member
    a thread from FOREVER ago lol i'm about to super bump it back to the top! XD
    I've had a profile on this site forever but always found it hard to stay consistent with using it mainly cause i always had trouble finding other people i had any thing in common with to talk with and help keep me motivated so i decided i needed to do a form search for otaku and this thread popped up! and not to mention you said my other favorite word in the world! Fujoshi!!! XD
  • iandrew124
    iandrew124 Posts: 170 Member
    a thread from FOREVER ago lol i'm about to super bump it back to the top! XD
    I've had a profile on this site forever but always found it hard to stay consistent with using it mainly cause i always had trouble finding other people i had any thing in common with to talk with and help keep me motivated so i decided i needed to do a form search for otaku and this thread popped up! and not to mention you said my other favorite word in the world! Fujoshi!!! XD

    Omg xD Yeah, that's why I made this thread. It's good to make friends with people who share the common interest of fitness but its sad that that's all it is. Feel free to add me c: I'm trying to find people who have common interests since I am starting from this app. I have managed to lose weight but I also want to make friends along the way. So yes, feel free to add me.
  • glitter_witch
    glitter_witch Posts: 3 Member
    Fujoshi over here too!!!~~~ And anime in general, haha. I'll add you!
  • ariesfireangel
    ariesfireangel Posts: 30 Member
    friend requests sent to you both!!! :# i think its way better to find people you have more in common with then just wanting to lose a few pounds. i mean every one wants that right? nah i need a deeper connection to people lol i need people i can talk and rant and rave about my favorite shows and shipping and they get just and stupidly giddy as i do over it lol
  • ariesfireangel
    ariesfireangel Posts: 30 Member
    so happy to find fellow anime nerds!! ^_^
  • NegatoShiku
    NegatoShiku Posts: 2 Member
    I probably watch anime at least 10 hours a week, even exercising while watching a considerable amount of the time. They are mostly shounen, but I have seen quite a few shoujo, especially magical girl titles.