Sweetnsimpleblond Member


  • I do 1-1.5 hours of cardio 3 days a week and weights 3 days a week. I usually throw in a brisk 2-3 mile walk a couple times a week as well with my dogs depending on the weather. I have about 15lbs more to lose. I’m realizing I may need to work in a rest day to allow my body a break. I work 5-6 days a week on my feet 10ish…
  • When eating at a caloric deficit to lose weight it really does depend on how much weight you are attempting to lose and how tall you are, as well as how many active calories you are burning each day. Do you track your caloric burn for workouts?
  • I am having a similar issue. My resting heart rate averages 50-55 bpm and my caloric burn is not accurate because of this. I also find it more difficult to reach peak heart rate when doing HIIT and cardio because of it.
  • If only it were that easy. In the process I’ve learned to love myself and value my own worth again. We’re in the process of separation now.
  • My spouse cheated on me and blamed it on my weight. I’ve dropped 50 lbs and feel great now. Working on toning to look my best and build my confidence back up.
  • I’m 1.5 years on Keto. Down 55 lbs and completely happy where I’m at. I eat this way now because I feel good on it. My cardiologist recommended it and all my labs are completely normal. I’ll be getting into the gym this week since I was finally cleared to start working out
  • I feel guilty for working so much. I have a great job that allows me to take an amazing amount of time off, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel like enough time with my kids. I feel guilty for not always cooking from scratch or letting the kids have cereal for breakfast. I wish I had more time to prepare better meals.
  • Lemon pepper chicken Fathead pizza Jalapeño poppers with bacon Avocado crab boats Dynamite sautéed shrimp Buffalo wings Keto cheese cake There are so many things!
  • I fell in love with Rebel ice cream. It’s sugar free and has a great amount do protein. Peanut butter fudge is my go to right now. I can only find it at Publix
  • Don’t. I’ve been approached at the gym and it’s uncomfortable. I’m there to work out. If the girl is into you she may show interest (smile, saying hi, or asking about your workout). I know a few girls that refuse to go to a gym and instead work out at home because of men approaching them.
  • I love swimming and will replace my cardio with swimming 2 times a week. I’m no pro swimmer and do it purely because I love being in the water. I will say after about an hour swimming my hunger is fierce and I’ve learned to have protein shakes and boiled eggs ready.
  • Warrior with Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton. Great movie! It’s a movie about MMA fighting, so if you don’t like violence don’t watch it.
  • I eat them cold. Sprinkle some black pepper and cayenne pepper and they’re delicious!
  • I hadn’t thought about bringing some hard boiled eggs. That’s easy! Thank you.
  • Choczero? I’ve never heard of it, but now I’m intrigued. I wish I could eat pork rinds.... for some reason I can’t bring myself to try them. Lol
  • Unfortunately, being in the medical field I don’t have the opportunity to eat lunch on most days I’m working. It’s much easier to grab a piece of fruit, pretzels, almonds, etc than trying to find time to take a break. I’m looking for keto snacks I can eat quickly. Sometimes life just gets in the way and there’s no time.
  • TIL that box turtles get their name because they can close up their shell like a box due to a hinged lower shell.
  • I visited the Okefenokee Swamp today and got to see alligators and black bears in the wild. It was incredibly beautiful. Seeing a 9 foot alligator guarding her nest of eggs with no barrier between you and her is definitely a thing to experience.
  • My dogs and going to new places or trying new things. Just moved to the east coast a little over a year ago so seeing things we didn’t have on west coast. Swamps, beaches, trails, historic buildings, etc.
  • We all have to start somewhere! That's great.
  • I did the bike ride and started T25 yesterday! Thank goodness! Today I can already tell will be a more difficult day for motivation. Crazy day at work, but I made healthy food choices.
  • I'm interested! I need the same type of motivation! I'm 5'11 female that is at my peak weight and need to reduce healthily but asap. I live Georgia, US. I'm 32 yrs old and needing an annoying accountability partner. I'm 232 lbs and hold it all in the mid-section.
  • NatashaDNMS would be above me? So I'd have to say her arms. Killer. I'm working on my batwing reduction.
  • Nurse here. I try to take the stairs between floors and avoid the elevators (unless escorting a pt). I also keep healthy snacks in my locker and always pack my lunch with easy quick foods. When I take the stairs I'll take them two at a time. I know what you mean about not wanting to be sweaty in your scrubs. I'm lucky…
  • I hadn't realized donating blood burns calories. I guess I've never paid much attention to it. I have to start getting phlebotomies as treatments for a blood disorder I was recently diagnosed with. I have to get 500ml taken every 4 weeks. I'm going to ask my hematologist about relation to calories. Interesting...
  • Wow, I needed to see this today. I am having a difficult time motivating myself. I just got back from the grocery store buying healthy choices (aside from wine, it's a fruit right?). I decided I needed a 20 min bike ride to make up for the glass I'll drink dinner and did that before even starting dinner. I need help with…
  • I just had tendon and ligament repair in my ankle because of this happening in my ankle. The tendon would dislocate and slip over and my ligaments would stretch. After years of enduring it and injuries it got to a point I would roll my ankle on flat ground and tear the ligaments. I'm three weeks post op and while squatting…
  • Thank you. Thankfully I didn't get screws. They shortened my ligament because it was torn and starting to shred, and then put a divot in my bone and anchored my tendon that keeps dislocating to it. They removed some bone chips from an old fracture and then sutured some muscles over the ligment and tendon to keep them in…
  • I'm on level 1 day 3.... Again. But I do her cardio blast in the evenings and 30 day shred in the am before work and kids are up. Good luck!!