The 'mom guilt' therapy thread.



  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2019
    I breastfed 3weeks But supplemented with formula.I dried up when they gave me antibiotics for a Csection infection. Nothin’ wrong with feeding a baby any way you like the Doctor can’t give you permission not to feed your baby! Ignore the moron find something that works for you! Buy breastmilk if available,friends/family helping each other with their extra supply, formula, both,anything out there that works! If the Doctor tells you anything tell him an old lady said he can shove it!
    I worried,guilt bashed myself, followed Doctors advice like it was law,etc when I was a young mom back in the day. Told my Adult Daughter when she adopts/has a kid or cats someday to ignore anything you don’t like go by your instincts! If their not gaining weight get some formula pop that breast milk through a pump or feed baby till you feel tapped switch to the bottle for the rest of the feeding. Can even pop your breast back in at the end if you feel ones still full. 20 some years ago the advice is 100% different then than they say now! None of it matches what my own Mom was told.It’s fads just fads! Couldn’t make breastmilk till I was old grey had my last pregnancy.
    Skip to the last pregnancy I’m old greying they called me geriatric so much during the damn pregnancy I told the doctors off! Told him he ain’t no spring chicken either! I now shake my head at Doctors telling me my 2yr olds obese. He’s tall with ribs showing they decided this nonsense with something called BMI which was supposed to be guidelines not the law of the land! I ignore the morons I’m old not going through the same crap I decided. My guilt was my emergency Csection was so bad had to have multiple surgeries to fix me so since my boys a Giant was told not to pick him up. Felt helpless had to have my elderly mother-in-law jump in to help us. Was glad when I could take charge pick him up without help! Gave myself a break decided well can’t help how a kid explodes into this world lol. I had a placental abruption deadly one so I actually exploded so I can make the explosive jokes now. I stopped caring what Doctors day they hate me.Too bad so sad after fighting with me about yanking my kid off the bottle before he’s ready the one Doc admitted her kid way way way older than my 2yr old was still on the bottle. When he was good y ready he grabbed a water 360* cup that was that . I was able to take the bottle away. He decided he no longer wants milk. Reached a dietitian they said give him vitamin D drops y food rich in Vitamin D.He’s a picky eater but loves cheese so was easy transition. Doctors gave multiple skin diagnoses so we took him to a dermatologist without a referral for a clear one plus a list of what to do. Doc had the nerve to tell me to change Dentists because she doesn’t like Mormon one I got not cutting my sons lip skin. Well no Thankyou I wrote it down left deleted the number. They have views on sleeping arrangements to your morning farts. Well do what works for you just shake your head yes when they drone on about the latest fad you should do. I got my boy a full bed with a twin for me next to it. Works for us He passed 3foot 2 before his 1st Birthday! He can reach door knobs so my instinct is he has to climb over me to get there.Got door knob covers lots of locks on the back/front doors. Neighbors have pools not about to have a escapee situation. The Doctor also was upset the Hubby shows our son love to helps out (jealousy) she admitted her husband doesn’t the kids y him don’t interact. The 3 other Doc in the office never had kids! Another had kids but their grown he’s going by his colleagues views. Only 1 likes what were doing she says do what your doing. I looked one in the eye told them I don’t got time for your opinions today due to no sleep from teething so write them down send it to Congress.
    Had my son Post Menopause now I’m restarting Perimenopause so I’m allowed to be this way lol I give you girls permission to be sassy too! Your good moms give them Hell!
    To media who tell you only breast is able to have closeness with your kid that’s nonsense watch that AdamRuins Everything he covers this lol.While family can hold y snuggle even shirtless with a bottle getting closeness in.
    Make baby priority everything falls in place.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Got a messy house oh well pick it up at the end of the day.I start 7 or 8pm till bedtime cause picking up all day long doesn’t work. I spend the day worrying more about dishes,cooking,cleaning a bathroom or bath time.Set your mind on the kid friends can lump it if theirs a pile of toys in the living room. Picky relatives can well lump it ..not their kid. Just keep it clean as possible.Unless your a hoarder,big bug/rat issues like a kitchen on Chef Ramsey kitchen nightmares,or sticky floors well then get cleaning y get rid of your extra house guests who aren’t paying rent.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Those who say after baby you need to be instagrammed worthy you don’t. I gained weight this last one when I was ready dieting but will always have a pregnant looking belly nope no tummy tuck needed I’m normal mom body no need to go through unnecessary surgeries. Brushing teeth - sons easy sing a song he brushes away/Daughter decades ago to adulthood hated it. Bath- Sin hates it! Daughter lives in their. Potty training- started at 6months sit him on it after naps to give him the idea but kept the diapers. 2yrs no underwear just diaper y potty when he asks or we wake up. If he gets goofy with it oh well that’s what wipes are for to clean a spill when he decided backwards was better than forward for a week (phases) . Let it roll off like spring rain off a roof.Pick your battles let the rest go. Give yourself permission to make mistakes no ones perfect even the one who looks like it. Wipe potty seats down after every sit down- never know when they’ll become a hat. Baby gates love them didn’t need any baby proofing for my Daughter just the soft word no she had balance better than a goat! She could climb anything never fell off! She was a tiny thing he’s a giant . Picture a now adult Chihuahua next to a baby Great Dane Marmaduke.My son need everything! Clumsy,won’t listen ,blames the walk if he runs into it lol, talk enough to reach everything he shouldn’t!!!! My son falls off his shoes lol. He’s a cuddle bug who needs reassurance she was independent. Sleeping arrangements to more identical but their personality are not so got to tailor to each individuals differently.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    I love this celebrity finally one who’s not pretending she shows it like it really is! This is what we need more of for supporting role models.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Remember gals anything can bring guilt especially nay-sayers who make you doubt yourself with their silver tongues!

    Thought it was just me all these decades until baby boy.Dad takes him to type park alone like I used to with our Daughter. He has met dun dun dun the Dreaded MOMMY Groups!!!! He gets it now the hateful stares as a 2yr old melts down! The can you believe it! He’s too big! (Ummm sorry our kids a future NBA player lol) ,the critiques about babies clothing,etc he just like us gets embarrassed to starts to self doubt! It’s not cause we’re over emotional or a giant construction man wouldn’t come home sounding like us gals. He’s been with me at events to doctors heard hurtful mom’s to Drs attack! Swear Women are other gals worst enemies. It’s a continuation of abuse against one another.Well I was told this hatefully so going to spread the poison to the next mom who looks like she has her *kitten* together or looks new/less confidence. In laws to family can be the worst! So close to your heart they let their opinions slip! Nurses,WIC,Breastfeeding to dieticians specialists,to Doctors starts the day you walk in for a checkup to see if your really pregnant to the day the kid goes to college! Teachers to friends ouch they sting. Lol the crazy lady at the supermarket who grabs your arm to spew hate. Yup you know what at the end of the day when your cleaning vomit to explosive poops or even the milk spill (exspensive formula or precious breast milk both make your heart sink just the same!) . Look around as your crying self doubting to feeling shame where are they? Even if it’s the baby father is he mopping it up too after he opens his mouth? Nope nope didn’t think so. So guess who’s opinion matters yours y the toothless grinning covered in mess mommy loving cutie your holding 10ft away in a mad dash to the tub lol. Unless your beating/hurting a kid to body shaming then or on purpose sabatoging their progress your doing fine. If your house isn’t filthy or dangerous your doing fine. In a few years when trust me they will potty train to speak well unless their disability doesn’t allow for it- try computers then it lets them speak when once their was no outlet for people like Hawkings! They all reach their milestones for their health abilities some pass the doctors expectations so remember Dr gloomy diagnosis isn’t always the end factors look at me Doctors say I can’t have kids ever ...yet they can’t explain how but God gave me 2 healthy ones who are wonderful!
  • Sweetnsimpleblond
    Sweetnsimpleblond Posts: 43 Member
    I feel guilty for working so much. I have a great job that allows me to take an amazing amount of time off, but sometimes it just doesn’t feel like enough time with my kids.
    I feel guilty for not always cooking from scratch or letting the kids have cereal for breakfast. I wish I had more time to prepare better meals.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Oh hun don’t feel bad about that big hugs to you. Everyone feels this.I was a single Mom for a very long time with 1-3jobs at a time sometimes more.
    Working Mom guilts real- You feel like your not getting enough time together (my guilt was so high at 4am we were eating at Denny’s together if the movies were open I got off work before 4am we went to a $1.50 special. Then I felt bad she wasn’t sleeping for school. Took walks or school events but then I wasn’t taking a much needed rest or bath Of course would get called into work sigh*. But I was setting a good example for my now 20 yr old Daughter she saw hard work a strong woman standing on her own 2feet best I could not giving up putting food on the table ,which was good she saw when I was a stay at home mom too a few times. But that led to Stay at home mom guilt. A boy seeing mom work shows women are equal as possible. More money to let them take guitar classes etc. or a special trip .
    Stay at home mom guilts real- Feel like you should be contributing more money wise to example for the kids that Woman power working. But your happy to get more housework done to kid time being able to teach more for school to life. Less to no babysitter influence. Still struggle to find time for yourself because everyone relying on you too much.
    Working at home mom- feels great to be close to the kids but aggghhhh got to get work done! When your closed in a room working you feel like your not spending time on the kids. When your with the kids your thinking you should put more time into work. Plus side is with some your schedule more flexible for the kids. Other times you feel balanced.

    Cereals fine - can’t cook from scratch every meal. If you want it more healthy choose healthy cereal they like add a fruit in it y almond milk or regular milk. If you really want something freash for breakfast try some microwave sausage links in an air fryer add some eggs scrambled their the easiest a piece of toast. As long as their fed their fine even if they just eat an apple on the go! My Older Cousin when her kids were younger all 5 in different grades! She didn’t have time! She was here’s a box of cereal no milk,granola bar,apple,pop tart,anything car clean that was grab no assembly required then sit in line at the kindergarten hand off a kid,another car line hand off 2nd grader,another line middle school,another high school,y drive across town to another high school to hand off her adopted child later was dropped off at college! She tried stay at home,working,at home job none were easy all have pros/cons. So go easy on yourself cereals more than most kids get.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.
  • InspectorRed
    InspectorRed Posts: 757 Member
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.

    Many years ago, probably 20, I dropped my daughter off at preschool and her little brother who is 2 years younger than her did not understand that we were only leaving her for a bit. He started crying and there was nothing I could do to calm him down. We went to the grocery store as I still had to get our errands done while she was at school and he cried the whole time. Then at the register a young girl bagged our groceries but turned to the cashier and said, "I'm not carrying out because that's not my job"! Here I was holding a bawling toddler in one arm, feeling embarrassed about his incessant crying, and now trying to figure out how to get my groceries out by myself....I would have welcomed some encouraging words that day! Instead I grabbed the bag of groceries with my free arm and told the 2 girls, the bagger and the cashier, "Thanks for *kitten* nothing!" and hurried out to my car where I then joined my son in his crying.
  • Alzzi_2
    Alzzi_2 Posts: 2,149 Member
    Who hates school holidays..

    Its hectic, keeping the kids occupied all day no time to maintain the housework..

    I need to hire a maid :D or invent disposable clothes and grow a money tree so we can buy tea every

    3 days and a weekend to go. As long as their school clothes are ready I'll wait till they are back at school, then do a total full house clean up. :)
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    I don't actually have mum guilt. They made it to adulthood, and I resisted wringing their necks during all those obnoxious phases kids go through. My eldest gives me good reviews. My youngest is still in his teens, so he gives good reviews immediately before and after favours, and mostly grunts at all other times.

    There's no point in beating yourself up for not being perfect. The world isn't perfect. Our job isn't to keep them constantly happy and looking picture perfect, our job is to prepare them for the world.

    That's my ten pence worth.
    I don't give change.
  • pizzamyheart
    pizzamyheart Posts: 1,836 Member
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.

    Just an FYI... most moms don't seem to appreciate the statement, "Don't worry. My kids are aholes too". I personally would appreciate that if a mom heard my teenagers being aholes because sometimes you feel like you are the only one and you must have done everything wrong to raise such disrespectful little turds. Even tho everyone in the outside world tells you how great they are and stuff.
  • Versicolour
    Versicolour Posts: 7,164 Member
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.

    I publicly disowned my kids the other day. We were grocery shopping they were acting like wild animals and I walked past a woman at the yogurt section and said "They're not mine, I swear I don't know them" We had a good chat and a laugh. It certainly improved my mood and helped me get through the trip with all my children intact
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.
    I've turned to my now (relatively civilised) adult children and said, loud enough for the stressed out mother to hear, "you used to do that!". I hope for the double win, of letting the mother know that we've all been there and they grow out of it, and of embarrassing my kids (who absolutely deserve it!) >:)
  • _sw33tp3a_11
    _sw33tp3a_11 Posts: 4,692 Member
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.

    When I go the store I see people staring at me. I can feel their sympathy when they see me with 4 kids a cart full of groceries and my confused face (its just me trying to remember what else I need cause once again I have neglected to make a list because I was busy with other things) It's hard doing it all by yourself. With that said, those stares are enough for me. I don't need anyone to say "I'm sorry you're struggling" cause I will literally cry in front of them so unless you have tissue at hand, just keep on walking by 😂
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Question: Do you give and would you like to receive supportive comments from strangers? There have been a few times I was out and saw another momma struggling (most recent example was in the grocery store - she had two kids that were just chattering like crazy and eventually she yelled at them that she couldn't think, then you could tell she was embarrassed about losing her cool in public). Sometimes I really want to say "hey, I know its tough, you're doing great". But I never know if it will be well received.

    Just an FYI... most moms don't seem to appreciate the statement, "Don't worry. My kids are aholes too". I personally would appreciate that if a mom heard my teenagers being aholes because sometimes you feel like you are the only one and you must have done everything wrong to raise such disrespectful little turds. Even tho everyone in the outside world tells you how great they are and stuff.

    I have not gotten there yet, but according to my FB mom's group they are all *kitten* from 10-30. So, I'd say ya doing fine ;)