Cookie108 Member


  • Chocolate is my weakness I don't keep any at home. At work my co worker keeps a bowl filled. I just drink water and don't think about it. When it gets "bad" for me I'll get a 3 Musterkers bar. For me if I don't think about it too much, I'm good. Good luck to you.
  • Thanks to the responses. I would like to track my steps, as well as any other excercises that I do.@mamadragon I also gained a lot of weight and at my physical my BP was high enough to cause concern, when I posted the question I had just finished my stress test. They said I did very well, however, that made me realize that…
  • I had my annual physical yesterday. I came home w/a blood pressure machine. I honestly didn't realize how much salt intake until I looked at my food log. OMG!!! I had the same symptoms you described but didn't think it was the salt since I never add it. I now have to check out everything I eat more carefully. I suggest a…
    in Salt Comment by Cookie108 February 2015
  • Continue to do it! Don't give up.... I would complete the cycle and take it from there. I am on Day 4! Good luck
  • Been there. I lose my motivation as well and it sucks. I notice it more when my clothes are not fitting and although I can blame the dryer for "shrinking" my clothes, I am very much aware that the reality is that I just need to get on the ball. So I know exactly how you feel. Just stay strong and if you can't find a…
  • I've been looking for a workout partner