bloodewine Member


  • Thanks, guys! How is everyone else doing? People are being very quiet this week, must be the calm before the start of school storm (or quite possibly vice versa :tongue: ).
  • Thanks to the craziest last few weeks at work, my food consumption has varied from practically nothing to absolute crap and everywhere in between. And thanks to blowing my knee out again, I've been unable to do my usual running or even walking for exercise. I got on the scale a few days ago for the first time in weeks,…
  • That is a thought that never even occurred to me! I'll have to look into it - thanks! :smile:
  • That would be amazing, but alas I have no access to a pool either :(
  • Feeling a bit depressed. Three days ago, set a new PR - 4 miles in 58 minutes, yay! However, I seem to have injured my knee enough during that run that it's now hurting again today, even after not running for two days. Managed to go 1.7 miles before deciding it hurt enough that I was in danger of doing significant damage.…
  • Been reading everyone's posts, and congrats on all the SV and NSV! And welcome to all the newbies! Feel free to add me, we are all in this together :) I have a huge project due at work on July 4th. Last time around, it took almost every spare bit of time I had, and this time the project is literally twice the size. Feeling…
  • Starting back up again with exercise and food tracking tomorrow. Took a break to go on vacation with my boyfriend and his family (my first real vacation in almost 4 years), and just elected to make good choices and allow myself the occasional indulgence. Spent a lot of the trip walking, so hopefully I didn't end up doing…
  • I was feeling really gross while doing my step workout today, so I said screw it, and took off my shirt (was at home alone). Felt pretty good to be working out in just a sports bra and capris without feeling self conscious. Even better was forcing myself to look in the full-length mirror after I finished. I actually…
  • I really like the "Zombies, Run!" program, except that it can only use music that you have loaded onto your phone, and I've mostly been using Spotify to make running playlists lately. But it's a good app, especially if you want to do intervals - you can set it so you have to outrun zombies periodically!
  • Did my Day 2 thigh challenge! I'm curious, for those who are also doing this, are you logging them? And if so, how? This early on, I'm sure it's not burning too many calories, but as the month goes on, it's going to start adding up.
  • My watch finally broke (been limping along with it, taping the band, etc) so I finally decided to break down and buy a FitBit Charge HR. And now they're out of stock until JUNE!! So bummed. Trying to decide if I should buy the regular Charge, or hold out for the one I really want. :(
  • Time to celebrate the small victories - they had cake at work today and I didn't eat any! Even better, I didn't feel deprived, I just looked at it and decided it really wasn't worth it :smile: Second time this week I've been able to say no to cake without feeling bad about about either saying no or why I'm saying no.
  • On what basis are you making this statement? You did not explain why you think this is true. I doubt eating fewer than 10 pieces of mostly veggie and fish sushi is more than 1100 calories. And the "walking" was actually running, I'm just not very fast. Both MFP and MapMyRun estimated over 400 calories burned. Again, these…
  • On what basis are you making this statement? You did not explain why you think this is true.
  • All of my food have measurements on them. I don't see how counting crackers, for example, as opposed to weighing them really makes a difference. And yes, last night was an exception with the sushi - I'm not really sure how many calories I ate, which is why I overestimated and worked out before going. The only things I have…
  • I've moved cross country since the surgery and no longer have access to her. I've been considering trying to find one out here to consult with.
  • I just found my food scale and used it to make a meal I eat pretty frequently. Turns out my estimation was actually pretty good without weighing food (only off by 20 calories for the whole meal). As far as exercise goes, I continue to give myself that 500 calorie deficit when everything is added together. So theoretically,…
  • It's funny because I usually eat pre-packaged foods because they're easy and because I know I can log them accurately. Whereas food I cook myself, I might forget to put an ingredient into the recipe and then it's not accurate anymore. But I do have a food scale that I haven't been using, guess I could try that again.…
  • Hello everyone! I've spent the last two hours reading this entire thread and I think I've come to the right place! You guys are all so wonderful and supportive of each other :smiley: I'm 31yo and would like to lose 80-100lbs. I had the lap band placed about 3 years ago after reaching 300lbs and having a nutritionist (no…
  • I'm 31 years old, 5'5", and 240lbs. Supposedly, for my height, I'm supposed to be around 140lbs, but I would be ecstatic at 180lbs. So I still have a lot to lose. The lap band affects how much I can eat in one sitting, which is also one of the reasons don't eat much during the day when I'm at work. I can't just eat my full…
  • I find that if I don't have any sugar in the house, my cravings are way worse and I am more likely to get something on the way home. I have a bag of Reese's peanut butter cups that I keep in an out-of-sight area, and I let myself have one after dinner every night, and just account for it in my calorie allotment that day.…
  • Anyone out there have any ideas? :(
  • I'm an ER veterinarian and frequently end up at the hospital for 12-16 hours a day. I understand your struggles with having no time. Thankfully, I don't have your added difficulties of a child to take care of, unless you count my very energetic 3 year old pit bull :P Feel free to add me and we can help each other out -…
  • I run in a city so I don't have to worry about wildlife much, but there aren't many sidewalks in my area so I'm forced to run in the street. My biggest issue is drivers who aren't paying attention. I run with my dog (both of us have reflectors and blinking lights when we run at night) and I usually have to stop and pull us…
  • I've just started running again, after only doing it sporadically for a year and then having to stop for several months due to my job. When I first started, I was at 17-19 min/mi (including walking because I couldn't run a mile continuously). But I improved and eventually made it up to 14min/mi. Sadly, I'm back to a…