Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • perkins_lm
    perkins_lm Posts: 11 Member
    I am so happy I just found this board. I love hearing all of the support here. I have 86 lbs to go myself, and could use all the support I can get. You sound like you are doing great. Keep up your hard work.
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    Another huge mental battle was won today. I was at a friend's house (our weekly board/card gaming get-together) and I brought tomatoes and grapes. I shied away from the cookies and other junk, though I did eat a small piece of apple cake.
    They may sound small to others, but these are huge things for me to overcome
  • piggysmalls333
    piggysmalls333 Posts: 450 Member
    I need to lose about 70lbs and on my way! I lost 30 in 3 months before my wedding but that was really extreme dieting. Finding my balance of eating things I like that can also be healthy along with filling snacks that keep my blood sugar levels from spiking and dropping throughout the day. Think I'm getting the hang of it and you can too! Feel free to add me :)
  • CindyVance725
    CindyVance725 Posts: 1 Member
    I started MFP a few months back but have never gotten on the community threads until today. I'm at a stall bouncing between 213 and 218 for a few months now. I'm a carb junkie, I've just realized that anything sweet or starchy starts me on binges so I'll have to go cold turkey. I've got fibro and have been having a flare up for at least 5 weeks then caught a bug making exercise almost impossible when your body feels like lead. I'm fighting not to gain anymore back after losing 38lbs and 51 inches. Thanks for the idea of changing the goal to 5lbs!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    To all the new people that stumbled upon us this weekend welcome! Add me if you want to.

    For those of you who didn't see my post on the news feed I am doing another month long challenge. This month is thighs. Modify where needed, but would love to have a large group stick this one out. Here is the link I could find. Just look for the thigh calendar! Starts April 1st.

  • pabrahm
    pabrahm Posts: 4 Member
    I am only a week in to this. I have a long way to go. Would like to lose 100. I am looking for friends on here so this thread is great.
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    it's amazing how many of "us" there are in this chubby country (and other places too, of coarse.) I always feel like " I'm going to be the biggest person there" and am relieved when I'm not. How mean is that!! This thread really drives home how many of "us" there really is.
    My goal is to just put down everything I eat so I'm not just blindly grazing. I also keep a paper log, there is something about putting pen to paper that makes it seem more real to me. I see it everyday and every page.
  • SaraD72
    SaraD72 Posts: 20 Member
    I gained back what I lost last week. My time of the month is coming, but I don't know how much that has to do with it. I'm trying not to feel too defeated, but it's hard. I would just like to have some kind of victory in this area of my life for once.

    My issue seems to be self-sabotage. When I do well one week, I seem to blow it the next week. I don't know why. Oh well, I need to do better this week by faithfully tracking everything I eat and to exercise more.
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I've been on the over 50 board their a great group but also want to part of a group that has substantial weight to loose.

    When I was about to turn 30 I lost 86 lbs. I kept it off about 10 yrs then ..... Now at age 55 I have 125lbs to loose. In the last 2 months I've lost 7 lbs. I've set a goal of 1lb a week. I try not to think of it being more than 2yrs before I reach my goal.

    The 1lb. Seemed doable for me so I am willing to try. When at work, I drive a lot and have many lunch meetings. The calori counter helps a lot. Last time I lost weight w/o counting calories, but that was then and this is now.

    SaraD72My weight will go up and down in the course of the week. However in the course of a week or 10 days a trend started to show. The higher weight days are not as high and the lower weight days go lower. I try to stay focused on the present, it helps me not to give up.

    Naiomi2015 from Massachusetts
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    @danielle7577‌ I am so in for that challenge. That is an area that I really would love to tone up and make smaller :-) I am also doing a water challenge this week if anyone wants to. It is to help motivate me to drink enough water! You can use this link to find out how much you should be drinking!

    Welcome to all the new people! This is a great place! Add me if you like. I love to cheer people on!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome: perkins_lm, worldofme, kss1231, piggysmalls333, uptownplum, heathrlynn50, pepsismum, smallerjojo2015, bloodewine, cindydowdellvance, pabrahm (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!) It's always fantastic to see new faces on this thread!

    My motto here is that THIS IS OUR TIME! We can all do this if we support each other, celebrate our victories and work through our defeats. If you fall off, just get right back on again. We're only human and we will succumb to chocolate or potato chips or even just an extra glass of wine, but how we deal with it the very next day, is what will help drive our weight down and our health up!

    @bregalad5‌: That's an awesome accomplishment! Not an easy thing to do when it's in your face!

    @saraD72: Tracking faithfully can certainly be helpful to your success! I remember when I started tracking my sodium... ouch! That was a slap in the face. But you can do this. Give yourself small goals to achieve each day and achieving those will help give you motivation!

    @kss1231: It's never easy when everyone else wants to go out. If you can, look up the menu of where you're going and the nutritional values if they're available. Choose what you're going to eat ahead of time and then when you get there, don't even look at the menu! It's too tempting to change your mind. Good luck and let us know how you make out!

    As a last little note, I give myself a pat on the back. A new NSV to celebrate... The women here will get this one. How many of you have to turn your bra around, tie it in front, then twist it around and slide your arms in? Well this morning I put mine on the normal way with my arms around my back! Yay I can reach again! :)

    Have an awesome Monday everyone!
  • want2behappy31
    want2behappy31 Posts: 178 Member
    I think that I'm going to buy a Fitbit at lunch today. I keep going back and forth on it. Like y'all have said I really think something that helps track my movement will be a kick in the butt. I sit at my desk all day and I know that's bad. A group of about 10 people here have them and they are all in little challenge groups. So more motivation as well. I've used the app on my phone but since I don't carry my phone everywhere it doesn't do much good.

    I am also going to start setting daily goals to help.
    Today's Goal:
    Drink 24 oz water (hate water so it's a start)
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    I think that I'm going to buy a Fitbit at lunch today. I keep going back and forth on it. Like y'all have said I really think something that helps track my movement will be a kick in the butt. I sit at my desk all day and I know that's bad. A group of about 10 people here have them and they are all in little challenge groups. So more motivation as well. I've used the app on my phone but since I don't carry my phone everywhere it doesn't do much good.

    I am also going to start setting daily goals to help.
    Today's Goal:
    Drink 24 oz water (hate water so it's a start)

    Definitely great choices! Fitbit, more water and more support. When you increase your water you will have to get up more and that burns more calories. Win win! Try fruit or cucumber slices in your water.
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    Welcome: perkins_lm, worldofme, kss1231, piggysmalls333, uptownplum, heathrlynn50, pepsismum, smallerjojo2015, bloodewine, cindydowdellvance, pabrahm (I hope I haven't forgotten anyone!) It's always fantastic to see new faces on this thread!

    My motto here is that THIS IS OUR TIME! We can all do this if we support each other, celebrate our victories and work through our defeats. If you fall off, just get right back on again. We're only human and we will succumb to chocolate or potato chips or even just an extra glass of wine, but how we deal with it the very next day, is what will help drive our weight down and our health up!

    @bregalad5‌: That's an awesome accomplishment! Not an easy thing to do when it's in your face!

    @saraD72: Tracking faithfully can certainly be helpful to your success! I remember when I started tracking my sodium... ouch! That was a slap in the face. But you can do this. Give yourself small goals to achieve each day and achieving those will help give you motivation!

    @kss1231: It's never easy when everyone else wants to go out. If you can, look up the menu of where you're going and the nutritional values if they're available. Choose what you're going to eat ahead of time and then when you get there, don't even look at the menu! It's too tempting to change your mind. Good luck and let us know how you make out!

    As a last little note, I give myself a pat on the back. A new NSV to celebrate... The women here will get this one. How many of you have to turn your bra around, tie it in front, then twist it around and slide your arms in? Well this morning I put mine on the normal way with my arms around my back! Yay I can reach again! :)

    Have an awesome Monday everyone!

    As a personal trainer and a guy I get the bra reference. With my female clients that is where I tell them they may first notice a size reduction. Congratulations on another victory Captain!

  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    I am happy to see all the new faces on this group and welcome to all of you!
    The progress comes a lot easier with solid support and this is THE place.

    Remember that every day ends in Y. Just make sure you start it with, I can.
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    O...M...G...I escaped the grocery store with no Easter candy. It took every ounce of self-control I had to not put 10 different things in my shopping cart, but I DID IT!

    Way to go! Excellent self control.
  • MelyssaMallonee3
    MelyssaMallonee3 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, I'd like to join you all. I started my journey, gosh, 8 years ago at 247 pounds. I didn't use myfitnesspal then, but I managed to track food and lose about 90 pounds the healthy way (diet/exercise)...over the years my weight has fluctuated up and down a bit, and now I'm sitting at about 195. I'm trying to get my weight back down to around 170. Over the last 8 years I've become a huge runner, I've probably ran 10 marathons and lots of other halfs and even a Tough Mudder. I love fitness. Sometimes I think my extreme endurance stuff causes weight loss to be tougher, trying to figure out how much food I really need before and after these long runs (ran 24 miles last Saturday and then overate by 1000 calories 3 days following), etc. I find myself wanting to binge the day after a long one.

    Anyway, I just wanted to join in on this discussion. I see so many supportive and encouraging comments. Very cool!

  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    Time to celebrate the small victories - they had cake at work today and I didn't eat any! Even better, I didn't feel deprived, I just looked at it and decided it really wasn't worth it :smile: Second time this week I've been able to say no to cake without feeling bad about about either saying no or why I'm saying no.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome Melyssa! Grats bloodwine!!! That's super awesome!

    As for me... UGH... ever have one of those nights. I had a board meeting at a pub and ate nachos. GRRR It's that emotional eating thing of mine . I get angry, I eat, I get upset, I eat. I WILL FIGHT BACK!!! Tomorrow... I WALK IT OFF!!! :)
  • ninthnarnian
    ninthnarnian Posts: 237 Member
    Been using mfp 15 days now logging every single bite, only three days did I go over goal (barely).

    I did all my grocery shopping today. I noticed I didn't buy any candy, sugared drinks, or junk food.
    Who hoo! I'm so glad I found this app and I think it really will make a difference for my Husband and I.