Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    NSV this morning. Pushed away my breakfast plate when I knew I would be full rather then just finishing that delicious food. My bf plated it, so they was twice as much as what I have been eating. Usually would have just ate it because I could.
    Fun family day planned today. Going to get my exercise in today also. Hoping for a more focused week. Last week I was all over the place. Suppers planned out this morning. Variety helps me. 2 new recipes. Fingers crossed they are delicious!
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    Variety helps me too @danielle7577 cheers to a good week
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    @enoughisenough9 Welcome! I think you have just found the warmest place on the web...what a great bunch of people
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    edited March 2015
    What are you proud of today or this week?
    I have had a rough couple of days...no activity, barely coming in under my calories or going a bit over. I'm proud of my attitude. This is the exact place where I usually quit and this time I am refusing to give in to that. My first thought when I was stressed 2 days ago was to walk it off!!! <who is that person I don't know her... It didn't happen but that is progress I'd say. Today I'm back to routine and am lacing up my shoes

  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Weekends seem to be the hardest for me. During the week I have a schedule. Get up. Eat something for breakfast, get dressed, walk to the train. Run to the subway ( I live in NJ but work in NY so a lot of walking/ running to catch trains). Get to work. Have lunch at the same time. Repeat commute home. Have dinner. Have a healthy snack. Bed.

    On the weekends though it is all up in the air. I am going to try to plan my kickboxing for the weekends since the class starts to late during the week. So I hope that helps. But there is no schedule otherwise and it makes it really hard. I have been trying to fill in the time with fun exercises at home. Also my fiancee has helped. He got rid of all the junk food and is going to go bike riding with me once the weather gets better here.

    Also I just want to say you are all the best people. That was such a wonderful welcome. I am so happy to have found this place. So much support. Thank you again!!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Happy Sunday morning everyone and welcome to our newest friends!

    @swarren1037: So glad to see you back!

    @danielle7577: That's probably one of the hardest things to do! I know it is for me. That's an awesome accomplishment!

    I am proud of so many things this week.
    1- The weight loss (let's not kid ourselves... every ounce lost is a victory yes? :))
    2- Taking a sick day. I know this sounds funny but I almost never take sick days whether I'm sick or not. This time, I listened to my body who'd been telling me all week to get some sleep. So I did and I'm starting to feel better!
    3- Being told that I am motivating others. It's a heady feeling to think that my journey is helping others with theirs. All my life I've been the one needing help and feeling like I had no self control or will power. To be told that I am helping someone is incredibly fulfilling. I assume this is how teachers feel when one of their students graduates lol.
    4- Finding a viable solution to my craving for nachos! LOL

    I'm sure I could list more but you get the picture.

    @Hippychick5983‌: I can so relate to you! My weekends are messed up! Go to bad later, wake up... sometimes... LOL. Eat if I remember... it's craziness! I made my weigh-in day on the weekend on purpose to try and help me stay a bit focused but it doesn't always work.

    Anyways, enough with the novel... Have an awesome Sunday everyone and thank you for being here with me!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Oh! And @enoughisenough9‌: We don't judge... We may offer opinions and motivation and attempt to virtually kick your butt to get you back in line (just kidding) but we only want to see you succeed. :) Welcome to us!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    shirayne wrote: »
    Oh! And @enoughisenough9‌: We don't judge... We may offer opinions and motivation and attempt to virtually kick your butt to get you back in line (just kidding) but we only want to see you succeed. :) Welcome to us!

    and sometimes a little tough love ;)
  • Bobzfit
    Bobzfit Posts: 41 Member
    prof_newme wrote: »
    What are you proud of today or this week?
    I have had a rough couple of days...no activity, barely coming in under my calories or going a bit over. I'm proud of my attitude. This is the exact place where I usually quit and this time I am refusing to give in to that. My first thought when I was stressed 2 days ago was to walk it off!!! <who is that person I don't know her... It didn't happen but that is progress I'd say. Today I'm back to routine and am lacing up my shoes
    Even if it's walking in the house it is movement! Sunshine is better medicine though.
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    Love catching up on the posts. I also love people admitting their strengths and weaknesses and even mistakes. Reminds me that we are all different, but our struggles are all so similar.

    I hope everyone has a great week! I'm going to push a little harder this week. Would love to get under 250. Getting closer! Tomorrow is a gym day and hopefully a good walk outside.
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    So great @bregalad5‌, @danielle7577‌, @prof_newme‌, @shirayne‌, and anyone I missed! Way to go!
    I've got my lunch packed, my breakfast prepped, my meals and exercise planned... I'm ready for a great, healthy week. :)
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    Good luck! You can do it!!
  • UrnAsh_
    UrnAsh_ Posts: 242 Member
    I've lost 50 already and have about 50 more to go.
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    @Bobzfit I walk in the house all the time and use the youtube walking videos sometimes too. I also am fortunate enough to own an elliptical machine. I agree nothing beats going out for a good walk outside
  • zena_marie
    zena_marie Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there everyone. I'm new here and really need to lose atleast 100lbs but ideally more. I'm a single mum and really struggle with meal ideas with a very fussy 18 month old girl and struggle massively with motivation. Any help and support would be greatly appreciated!
  • swarren1037
    swarren1037 Posts: 16 Member
    Welcome @zena_marie and @urnAsh_. Happy Monday!
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    Way back when I only needed to lose 20lbs I would have felt this 9.5 lb lose. Now that I have to lose 75lb this 9.5 lb lose is not visible and I still feel like a stuffed sausage.
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    Welcome @zena_marie‌. Try to plan ahead as much as possible. I always plan to the night before what I am going to eat and that seems to help.
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    Way to go. Do you mind me asking what you are doing to lose?
    UrnAsh_ wrote: »
    I've lost 50 already and have about 50 more to go.

  • frogprogrammer
    frogprogrammer Posts: 9 Member
    I'm joining this discussion WAY late (11 pages in!) but I'm right there with you. I want to lose about 150 lbs myself, to get back to when I was in great shape (19 y.o.) but I know it will take a long time.

    I'm sure we can do this!!