Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member

    I signed up for MFP a a year ago but never started using it until last week. I was lighter last year but lost last week so my weight lose is showing as 0. You can edit your current weight and it should show correctly on your "progress" graph. Where is it not showing properly?
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    edited March 2015
    kp3868 wrote: »
    It's a common misconception that I'm starving myself when I tell people the plan I'm on. They say wow 600/900 calories wow...... I incorporate diet and exercise about 3x a week. Plus working 50 hours a week. I stay on the run..

    When I eat that little I feel like I'm going to fall over. When I was working at a liquor store, on my feet, walking, 8-10 hours a day lifting cases and such I was regularly burning over 3,000 calories, sometimes closing in on 4,000 according to my BodyMedia Fit. If I only ate 6-900 calories while burning over 3,000 that would not be even close to healthy. My body would shut down. In fact, I had an under-eating problem for several months (not anorexic but only consuming an average of 800 calories a day) and I GAINED weight despite exercising daily. I was also dizzy and stumbling around like a drunk because my body couldn't function.

    Everyone is different. Pushing your agenda is not good because it may actually hurt someone. If I followed your advice I'd be passed out on the floor within a couple of days.

    It's also not true that a 6 foot grown man only needs 1200 calories. In fact, according to MFP's very own BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate - or the amount of calories you'd burn if you were comatose) calculator, plugging in a 30 year old 6', 200lb man gets us 1,905 calories. That's the minimum this man would need to eat to keep his vital organs functioning. Me, as a 31 year old 5'4, 257lb female? My BMR is 1,866. That's technically the minimum my body needs TO FUNCTION WHILE IN A COMA. You said you're short so I ran one for you to be nice. I assumed 5' and let's say 150lbs and I see you're 32. Your BMR is 1,312. So 600 is too little. 1,000 is still low if you're exercising. I'd see a new nutritionist if I were you. Yours seems like a bit of a quack. My mom's nutritionist put her on the HCG diet, so they're not all 100% mentally with it...

    Sorry, but please, please don't tell people that your way is the best way because it's definitely NOT for everyone, and frankly, it's kinda dangerous even for you. Half to a third of your daily calories (300 for the average adult) are just simply going toward your brain to keep it going... that's food for thought (oops, sorry) for ya.

    TL/DR - Don't blindly follow the advice of people on here.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Hey All, let's remember that we're all here to be motivated and to help each other reach the challenging weight loss goals we've set for ourselves. I am always happy and willing to share information I get along the way and I love hearing about the successes others have had with different techniques but regardless of all that, it is super important that you consult your physician before trying anything new! We are not doctors and those who may be aren't your doctor. What may be prescribed or suitable for one may not be for another so always be careful, listen to your body and your doctor and if something doesn't feel right... stop. We are all trying to get our health back not make it worse.

    At the same time, let's remember to respect each other and be kind to one another. This weight loss journey is difficult enough as it is. Let's not make this any tougher!

    Remember... this is OUR time to do this!
  • inchwormbyinchworm
    inchwormbyinchworm Posts: 180 Member
    bregalad5 wrote: »
    I'd see a new nutritionist if I were you. Yours seems like a bit of a quack.b]

    That's standard procedure. Presumably going over 1K calories would have side effects, too.

    I'm sorry Katie for the poor welcome. I didn't realize that was part of the package.

    When I first made the decision to lose weight, I joined a gym and was planning to go early early in the morning. But I found I was weak; so I bought a "pre-workout drink" to help with the energy. Turns out it was a powerful stimulant, and I had actually forgotten to eat anything all day, yet was completely free of any symptoms you associate with a zero calorie day.
    I really had to fight the temptation to keep using it, and had to actually talk out loud to myself that I may give myself an eating disorder if I keep using it.
    So I'm a little sensitive to potential eating disorders because I understand the temptation. So I think everyone is trying to come from a good place, because going from obesity to anorexia is going from the frying pan into the fire.
    But as long as you are seeing your doc regularly and that is in fact part of the package, then there it is. That's different than, say, my cranking myself up on pre-workout drinks to avoid eating.
  • geminirl
    geminirl Posts: 8 Member
    P-l-e-a-s-e feel free to add me! I've been using this program off and on (MORE OFF THAN ON) and could use all of the friends and motivation that I can get. I am 58 years old....GROSSLY or MORBIDLY OBESE and would like to lose 100 pounds but should really lose at least 150 pounds. I also tried O.A. (Overeaters Anonymous) but that didn't work either. Food is my happy place, sad place, boredom place...my everything. I need to change that! I'm tired of feeling tired and I have to learn to eat to live instead of living to eat! Thanks everyone!
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    Oh my..... I am ready to give up. I love to eat. I will remain positive. I will continue this process. Ugh....... it has been a bad coupke of weeks. I will say this takes self discipline. And motivation from others. Thank you to all.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    Don't give up on us Jones! It's ok to have a couple bad weeks... I'm sick right now and there's nothing I'd love more than to dig into something fattening and go to bed for a few days! Just tell yourself that it's so worth the effort. We're here for you and you've been such a great source of motivation for us. Let us do the same for you!
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    Dig deep inside and find that trigger to say enough. For me it is the closet full of summer clothes that doesn't fit or the stranger that I accidentally bumped and he turns around and calls me a "fat pig". Find your trigger and hold onto it and keep going.
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @jonesm97‌ (((hugs))) Are you feeling better this morning?
  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    2run2ski wrote: »
    @jonesm97‌ (((hugs))) Are you feeling better this morning?

    Yes. I am feeling better today. I was down in the dumps the last couple days. Time to change a little bit and move on.
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    @jonesm97 Glad you are feeling better!
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello everyone! I hope those that aren't feeling well bounce back quickly!
    I had a down day Tuesday. Just felt run down. I had to except the fact that there will be days like that. But as long as I keep a balance I will still be fine. I still ate well, but I listened to my body and rested it.
    Anyone have anything exciting planned for the weekend? We are having a family fun day. Going to take our little guy to a children's museum. So there will be plenty of movement as we follow him around!
    Tonight we are going out to eat. So, I need to remember to make good choices and STOP when I'm full. Not when my plate is empty.
    Happy Thursday friends!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @jonesm97 I am so glad to hear you're doing better! :) No quitting on us, okay? Even if the most you can do for a day is to Log In to keep your Daily Tally increasing, that's good! All of us here know how freaking hard this is! I think it's safe to say we all love food. A lot! But, we're trying to establish new views and habits when it comes to food. It's not going to happen quickly... and we all need each other when we inevitably fall flat on our face in a big ol' chocolate cream pie! Be patient with yourself. :)
  • Hippychick5983
    Hippychick5983 Posts: 130 Member
    Hello everyone! I am new to this whole thing but I am looking to loose 100punds as well. I have just started this journey and have been reading everything. You are all so inspiring! I hope those that do not feel well get better soon! I am going to my second Kickboxing class tonight. It is going to kick my butt but it is so much fun and a really good work out!
    Hope everyone is having a good day!
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @didjaever: The stranger that you bumped into? He's a dope. I read that and went into Circle the Wagons defense mode: How dare someone say that to one of my friends? Grrrr. But it's something that empowers you? You're awesome! I need to learn that skill! I'm too easily hurt....
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    Welcome @Happychick5983
  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    @Hippychick5983 Welcome! This is a great place to be everyone is so supportive! The first step is always the hardest and you made that so congrats!

    @didjaever seriously! How rude can a person be. I'm with 2run2ski, How dare he! I'm glad you are using it as motivation. That guy is destined to be shallow all his life and has no idea what a good person you are.

  • jonesm97
    jonesm97 Posts: 39 Member
    I want to say thank you to all. This group is the best ever. I am rethinking my food intake. I nees to change it and experiment with different types od healthy food. I never know what my future holds. I could fall in love with something thats so healthy. On to a better new me. I am looking forward to my next trip to the grocery store. Thank you all
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks @2run2ski‌ and @prof_newme‌. I must admit that I was not hurt but more shocked. Come on. He was telling me something I already knew. I wonder what his downfall is? But then again who cares. This is about us and our journey.

    Keep going ladies. The week is almost over.
  • didjaever
    didjaever Posts: 32 Member
    @jonesm97‌ I never thought I would fall in love with baby spinach. It is delicious. I eat it uncooked with some grilled chicken.