HealthyBella403 Member


  • Alisa, sorry to hear that:( Mental blocks are sometimes harder than physical ones, but I know that you can rise above it! Maybe staying off your foot is wise, but anything to get you moving will definitely help your mood:) Today was my running day, but I'll try to get in some Pilates to help with the strength tie breaker!
  • Hi everyone! I'm back home and incredibly jet lagged lol. But I've heard that the best way to overcome it is to get outside, so I forced myself into an early run, and was glad I did! Coming from freezing winter in New Zealand to the hottest part of summer in CA was such a shock...I got up at 6 this morning to 70 degree…
  • Happy birthday Susan! I hope you have an awesome day, and way to stay active! Alisa, sorry you're having a rough week. The fact that you're walking and not just sitting around is so great, though! Just keep pushing, we're all here for you❤️❤️ I know I've been MIA, but I'm officially over the jet lag in NZ! I'm here to…
  • Hi everyone! Another late post, I'm afraid, but I just got home from my black belt test, and....I passed!! All my material went smoothly, and for my board break routine, one of the wooden pieces went flying up and cracked the fluorescent light! My master wasn't mad though, just proud. It's odd what things are valued in…
  • Hi! Sorry for not posting yesterday. I just started a temporary job at a summer teaching program for the next few days, and they have me working 11 hours daily...yesterday I came home, struggled through my Pilates workout, and went straight to sleep. I have to get there pretty early, which is why I've been pushing my…
  • So glad to see you, Susan and Bruce! I echo Alisa's sentiments, Susan: whine all you want. We've all been there with the gross binge days, but you are strong and will definitely bounce back! Just keep at it <3 Sorry about your shoulder Bruce! Spinning is fun though:) I thought bike riding would be a piece of cake but it's…
  • Haha I know right?? It seems like the check-ins have turned into just a private conversation between two people lol Wow, that sounds so yummy! And yay for you for resisting the ice cream! You're doing amazing, so try not to stress too much about having a treat now and again. My black belt test is next Wednesday! I ran…
  • Go Isabelle! Thankfully we don't have many mosquitos here (only angry drivers!) but props to you for powering through that! Alisa, your waterfall picture was breathtaking! I'm glad you got to mix some quality family time with exercise. As for me: new week, new running route! I used this new app called Footpath to map out a…
  • No kidding! That is probably the most impressive thing I've ever see on MFP. And you're not sore this morning?? You are a superwoman! I love hearing about all you amazing people and how intensely you work out. I'm glad you found an alternative to T'ai chi that you like! I've never heard of that before. Enjoy your reunion!…
  • Isabelle, great to have you back! Congrats on all your success; you sound so confident and that's the best part of all this. Alisa, glad you got some respite from the heat! Sorry about the wedding drama; it's always difficult getting used to working with a whole new family. It sounds like you're being really supportive and…
  • Kris, that's so cool that you have so many waterways around you! I live on the coast, so the beach is a few miles away, and I do see people kayaking past the breaking waves. Like many residents around here, I admit I don't take full advantage of the gorgeous ocean, but I get out there when I can. Sand runs are like regular…
  • Kris you're such an active person! I'm trying to add more variety to my workouts to make them more interesting. Kayaking will be such a fun trip! I did it in New Zealand with my brother and it's definitely an upper body killer:) As for me, I managed to get in some Pilates, tae kwon do, and resisted temptation when my…
  • Alisa, so sorry about you daughter's father-in-law. Congratulations on the baby! That will be such a joyous event. And your berry breakfast sounds delicious! I've never been much good at gardening, but I do love fresh produce! As for me, it's been a rather lackluster day. I had quite a long early business meeting that…
  • Kris, thanks so much for the tips! I bought this huge tub of vanilla whey protein powder from Trader Joes and was at a loss as to what to do with it. I will definitely try out your ingredient suggestions, thanks again!
  • @scrapbookingtm ooh raspberries! So jealous that you grow your own. We usually buy them in bulk, but they never last long at our house! I have to grab them before they all get eaten:) @FitStrongHealthy thanks for the welcome! I'm glad to be back and amidst all you awesome people. Archery sounds so fun, you must have a lot…
  • Back on track for the summer! Had a great run this morning and did Pilates with a friend in the afternoon. This sounds super weird but you know that awesome feeling when your pee is clear and you know you're drinking a ton of water?! That was today:)
  • @Isabelle sweet soreness is superb, no? :) @scrapbookingtm way to make the most of your holiday! I had a pretty good day, lower half aching from my run, and I passed on some of the richer food of Easter brunch so feeling accomplished:)
  • @Isabelle love it! I need to do more yoga to limber up my stiff body haha. @Mrsallen6_11 you are quite the mountaineer! Keep up the good work:) @scrapbookingtm impressive step count! It's hard to balance long hours with a calorie limit but you can do it! For me, it's been an exhaustingly productive day, but I managed to…
  • @Isabelle‌ it sucks not being able to push your body to work out but resting is the best thing you can do right now. I recommend heating rice in a sock in the microwave; it's a nice warm massage tool and a hot pack. @Mrsallen6_11‌ I love that! So cute:) @SRJennings‌ just one step at a time. You'll get there! As for me,…
  • @Mrsallen6_11‌ hope the Zumba went well! Fast paced music plus cardio is equal to a pretty awesome workout:) @Isabelle‌ rest up! Yoga or Pilates stretches will definitely help soothe your muscles and you'll be back to feeling good in no time! @scrapbookingtm‌ nice morning! Starting off the day well is always great:) As for…
  • @Mrsallen6_11‌ congrats on staying so active! @scrapbookingtm‌ way to get moving with your husband! It's always more fun with a workout buddy:) @SRJennings‌ you're keeping such a positive attitude, I love it! @Isabelle‌ sorry to hear about your neck. Definitely rest so you don't strain it too much! Today was a so-so day…
  • Hey guys! Today I started a sugar detox and let me tell you, it was PAINFUL. I have always had a pretty big sweet tooth, but I never thought that cutting sugar out of my diet would affect me so much. Just to clarify: it's just refined sugar that I'm eliminating, like cookies and ice cream and sugary cereal. Seriously…
  • Hey guys, I'm feeling a little down because, as you can probably see with my diary, I went over my calories. I started off the day well with a smoothie, but I was a conference all day and ate the yummy but unhealthy food that was served at the buffet. I didn't get home till late, so unless you count walking around all day…
  • You guys are so inspirational! And @SRJennings‌ you are so right: I keep better track of what I eat because I don't want to let you down. Today I definitely relaxed my diet because it was a carnival day at school. However, it's just once a week and I found that it was easier than I remembered to control my intake of junk…
  • Today, a great thing happened: I ate a cookie and a mint. It sounds dumb, maybe even like I messed up my meal plan. But here's the thing: these were made specially for me at school as part as of a wellness week, so it would have been terribly rude to refuse. And so I ate them. But the great part is: I didn't let that…
  • Determined to check in before flopping into bed! Today was brutal in terms of work and obligations, and I always tend to eat junk in stressful situations. But, I was able to bite the bullet and stick to healthy snacks like baby carrots! And I even squeezed in a Pilates sesh:) Thanks to all you awesome people for supporting…
  • It's so great to see how much everyone is making the most of their day and reaching their goals! You guys don't know how inspirational you are:) It just makes me feel so warm inside to read all your positive comments. Today was a pretty good day, nutrition wise. I almost didn't exercise because I had so much work to do,…
  • Whoops, I totally forgot to check in yesterday so I'll do it today (it's 5:47 am). Isabelle, it's tough to see that number go up but it also makes you more motivated. It's good that you caught it now, before 7 lbs gained slipped to 10, then 20, and so on. You're back on track now, and that's all that matters. We're all…