imicklea Member


  • I recently did a 21hr trip and ate completely healthy the whole time. I focused on fresh foods such as apples, bananas, celery/dip. I also had some chips and snack bars. The hardest part is making sure you eat out of hunger and not boredom. I made sure to drink lots of water to help with that.
  • I am a soda addict, I was drinking easily a 2 liter or more a day, I would get cranky if I ran out and I would hide how much I drank from people. I can not drink coke at ALL or the cycle starts back up. I know this may sound silly but I still struggle with the addiction, and it's not the caffeine as I supplement that with…
  • I used to be a very picky eater, the only vegetable I would eat was corn. But have been working to change my habits and found that the biggest problem is getting used to the tastes and textures. I have started doing smoothies where I add in lots of veggies now but in beginning only a little. I guess what I'm trying to say…
  • I would definitely check in with your rheumy to make sure you are ok for working out, in general you should be but still check. I have both RA and fibro and my doc just encourages me to do as much as I can without causing intolerable pain. I do walking, yoga and some cardio but I have to listen to my body, one day I may be…
  • My fav veggies are carrots, zucchini squash and spinach. Though if you are just starting I would recommend start with spinach. For fruits I use whatever I have which is usually strawberries, blueberries, or frozen fruit mixes
  • I like homemade smoothies for breakfast. I'm not a big morning person and the ability to put it in a cup and run out the door. I also like it because I get 2 servings of veggies and 2 servings fruit in it and I add in a protein powder to help me meet my daily goals for that
  • 1-3 lbs depending on how swollen I am from RA
  • I was not a big veggie eater but love my smoothies in the morning. I am a big fan of cashew milk or kefir, fruits (whatever u prefer) and then add 1-2 veggies and protein powder and a little water. What I found useful was in the beginning I used veggies sparingly and have slowly increased and now most days they are…
  • Yes, cooler with ice and then you refresh the ice depending on how hot it is outside. Hubby and I do that when we go on driving trips and ice is fairly cheap
  • I do almond milk strawberries, blueberries, spinach, protein powder. Spinach is great to add to fruit smoothies as it adds lots of nutrients but almost no taste. Also if you have fruit smoothies you like try adding cucumber, squash or carrots. I have found I don't really notice a taste difference though the carrots due add…