clabq0914 Member


  • [nerd humor]It was one of the primary attacks in diablo for paladins[/nerd humor]
  • To the OP, there is no dead set, magic bullet, grams of protein to build lean mass, some say 0.5g, some say 1g, some say 2+, so the recommendation given to you was on the high side (~1.5), but still inline. Try out 1g and see if you can handle that in your diet and how well your body responds, you could always vary it from…
  • At quick glance, it diverged into a bcaa thread and everyone questioning the source of the advice whether they were a Kinesiologist, nutritionist, or bodybuilder, when we are all internet strangers in a semi-public forum.
  • TLDR whole thread. IMO, I'm surprised that someone other than a dedicated bodybuilder would recommend over the 1g/lb for protein. Good for them. Personally, if you are otherwise healthy, I don't see anything wrong with it and as long as you are not completely starving yourself of valuable carbs and fats too. Hardcore…
  • IMO, body recomp is a strange term. I've heard it used for people eating under deficit and even slightly over, but usually the end goal is something drastic, like obese people losing lots of fat weight or skinny fat people gaining a good amount of lean weight. It's also more generally used for beginners, who tend to…
  • Without seeing pics, I would take a wild guess that your genetics just happens to make your legs where your body wants to store fat. Sadly, we don't get to pick where it's stored or where to make it come off. Be thankful it's not your stomach. Otherwise, if you have a skinny waist and strong, muscular legs - similar to a…
  • But.....why? "You actually want to lose muscle mass AND lose fat?!?!" (Said no one ever!) If you tried to keep the muscle mass and lose fat, you will inevitably lose some mass along with that fat, but to say you are intentionally trying to lose the mass would be mind boggling. I suppose if you really wanted to, just lower…
  • Don't worry about what the daily scale says. Like was mentioned, weigh yourself just once a week at the same time, like first thing every Monday morning and use that as your basis. I can easily weigh several pounds more at the end of the day than the beginning.
  • ^been in plenty of boxes :) I guess there's a market for everything. If you want that skinny runner look with hipster haircut and striped knee high socks throwing such diet fads around like paleo and primal, then it'd be right up your alley. Depends on which side of the fence you are on, but kool-aid is probably the best…
    in Crossfit Comment by clabq0914 March 2015
  • Sounds more like a fad, just stick with a caloric deficit and watch the macros. If you start playing around with intermittent fasting, then the body has the tendency to go into starvation mode and break down muscle. You need to get the macros right and have sufficient dietary protein to avoid the negative effects of…
  • You don't get to decide where fat comes off your body. You're not overweight, but you could be skinny fat. Get a bodyfat analysis done, don't worry about the scale too much, it's all about the percentage of lean body mass. Then focus on eating at a deficit and watch that pooch melt away.
  • I think it's an abomination and a fast track to injury. It's great that men and women are embracing olympic lifts, but crossfit takes it too far and throws form out the window to make it an espn saturday morning competition. If your fitness goals are to have some lean muscle mass and nice toned body, crossfit would not be…
    in Crossfit Comment by clabq0914 March 2015
  • She finished all the maple syrup