what's going on with my weight? I'm stressed out

Saturday I weighed 297.00 today I weighed 303.... 6 pounds?? And I've been really good with food and exercise (I went on an almost 3 hour hike yesterday!).... why am I loosing weight and then gaining it bak so rapidly it's stressful... for the most oart I eat healthy stuff 1,500/1,700 calories a day... HELP!!! :( it's so stressful


  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    Water weight is nothing to be stressed about. Your body will retain and shed water as it feels it needs to. It's just water!

    Did you eat like 21,000 calories + your exercise calories + your maintenance calories on the weekend? (Guessing not. Then it isn't fat.)

    Try not to stress. Stress can screw with your hunger and your sleep (which screws with your hunger) and all sorts of nasty things. If you're doing the right things, then you're losing weight. The scale just isn't always going to accurately reflect it every day.
  • shmulyeng
    shmulyeng Posts: 472 Member
    You probably got back from your hike and drank a gallon of water. Water also has weight :)

    You should weigh yourself once a week at the same time of the same day in the week for tracking.
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    A 3 hour hike can do that to you. It is water to help heal the muscles you used yesterday.
  • AmAnDuh77
    AmAnDuh77 Posts: 20 Member
    Ditch that scale and check back in 2 weeks- a month! You can become too obsessed with it, thus inducing your stress levels! And yes, water weight can come back just that quickly.

    This just happened to me....I finally broke into onderland at 199.6, Saturday I was 203! I'm working with a trainer 2 x a week and doing cardio 5-6 x a week. I stay between 1400-1600 cal a day. I'll weigh again on April 7th and hope to atleast see a 5-10 lb loss.

    Hang in there :)
  • clabq0914
    clabq0914 Posts: 16 Member
    Don't worry about what the daily scale says. Like was mentioned, weigh yourself just once a week at the same time, like first thing every Monday morning and use that as your basis.

    I can easily weigh several pounds more at the end of the day than the beginning.
  • jessicapk
    jessicapk Posts: 574 Member
    I used to swear against weighing daily until I tried it for a while. It might not hurt you to try for a while to see how much your body fluctuates even though you are actively losing weight. I use an app on my phone, log my weight each morning (naked, after using the bathroom), and it gives me a trending weight, which averages out the highs and lows. It really helps keep you in the right mindset to keep doing right and not stressing about it. I went up 5 pounds from a busy weekend with less than optimal water intake, simply because my body is holding onto water. I'll drop the same and then some most likely in a day or two.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Totally water weight. Don't stress too much. If you stick with your daily calorie allotment you will lose weight. But- do expect variations that happen often. Larger people (like me) can have up to a 4 -5 pound difference from morning to evening. This is why I try to just do a once a week weigh in at the same time each week.
    - Once you've been here for awhile you can hit the 'report' button and see the trend line of your declining weight.
    - The oddest thing seems to happen to me, the gains seem to show up on the days I've done very well, and the losses seem to show up on the next morning weigh in following an 'over' day. This is why I switched to once a week weigh ins.
  • Katiebear_81
    Katiebear_81 Posts: 719 Member
    jessicapk wrote: »
    I used to swear against weighing daily until I tried it for a while. It might not hurt you to try for a while to see how much your body fluctuates even though you are actively losing weight. I use an app on my phone, log my weight each morning (naked, after using the bathroom), and it gives me a trending weight, which averages out the highs and lows. It really helps keep you in the right mindset to keep doing right and not stressing about it. I went up 5 pounds from a busy weekend with less than optimal water intake, simply because my body is holding onto water. I'll drop the same and then some most likely in a day or two.

    I have had the same experience.
  • rayaonna
    rayaonna Posts: 11
    Folks commenting on here really help me too cause somehow my weight is also doing the same. Good to know!