rdfaye Member


  • Hi. Same here. I have used MFP in the past with success, but let it get sidelined last year. It was not painful, but required a bit of time and some thinking about what I intended to eat. I am restarting because it worked.
  • 48 here and feel free to add me. I did really well on MFP in 2015, both before and after a total knee replacement, but got seriously sidetracked in 2016. I did receive a fitness tracker for Christmas, and I think it is a convenient reminder, if nothing else. And after the holidays settle out, I need to figure out how to…
  • Also, you can save foods as recipes or meals. If it is something you eat often, that is a time saver. Just make sure you measure/weigh it the same way every time you make it, and dole out the correct serving size. And restaurants usually have their nutrition info online, or you can ask the server for it.
  • Yep. Party at friend's house Saturday. Sunday I will host my annual potluck. I provide the corned beef and cabbage; guests bring the rest. Very casual and relaxed, but the only good thing about corned beef is the taste. Yum. The bad thing for me this year is I have family that could not make it for Christmas, so they are…
  • Cutting your calories will help with water weight (see above tips), and Spanx can help with the rest.
  • Dealing with RA here. Doing a Mediterranean diet helped the most, but I got way off track this year. I did note that excessive red meat worsens my symptoms, so I try to keep that to a minimum. It's tough, but you can do it.
  • And some of us have family with weird work schedules that aren't coming until January. The feasting is not stopping this year.
    in Xmas !! Comment by rdfaye December 2016
  • I will add you. I am 48 and had my knee replaced last year (lousy genetics). Best thing I ever did, but the PT was intense. It still swells/stiffens at times, but is otherwise fantastic. I got off track this year, and need to get my weight down to protect the remains knee.
  • Returning to MFP. It works if you stick with it (failed that this year). I am not tracking yet because of holidays, but am observing my current bad habits to figure out where to make some changes.
  • Returning too. Feel free to add me.
  • Keep it up! I am trying to get back to MVP after getting way off track this year. Keep walking, and find another gym. If you have a YMCA near you I would check it out. The one here has an excellent workout area and the members are all different ages and fitness levels. No eyerolling. I have RA and a fake ones, so I…
  • That complaint can get you in trouble around here although I do understand. My carnivorous beanpole is home for the summer and demanding beef, hot dogs, or pizza for supper every night. Not to mention his weekend breakfasts of a pound of bacon and a half dozen homemade biscuits. No kidding, he has been wearing the same…
  • I feel for you. My eating machine will be coming home from college this week and my grocery bill will triple. He is skinny as a rail, and has slowed down some, but if I hit him on the right day with the right dinner, he can inhale it. I keep Kraft microwave Mac 'n cheese, as that is his favorite midnight snack, and he will…
  • All good advice, and it can be done. I've had RA for 18 years, and I get the hurts too much to exercise. MFP helps me because when I enter something in and I see a massive calorie count pop up, I think twice before eating that again. And I don't mindless nibble as much, because then I have to go to the trouble of entering…
  • Total knee replacement, 2months out tomorrow. The PA told me to expect a lot of swelling for 3 months. Limited exercise, ice, and elevate. She also did there would be periodic swelling for 6 months, and occasional swelling for up to a year. Listen to your body--I overdid the walking yesterday and ended spending 2 hours…
  • OP, didn't read all the replies, so sorry if I repeat. First, you are a good looking young man. And you have done a great job so far. Keep doing what you are doing, and you will get there. Second, some of those cravings are because you are a teenager. You may still be growing. Men can still put on height until around 20 or…
  • Cheese!! All kinds, preferably melted on bread. Or just sliced off the block. Cheese makes everything better, even apple pie!
  • Same one mamapeach, Mobic aka meloxicam. Sigh--I still miss Vioxx. Best NSAID ever. What is DDD? I can't place that acronym. My fatigue started with RA, though I have always loved a good nap. After convincing a doctor I was nearly narcoleptic, a sleep study determined moderate sleep apnea. Treating that made it safer to be…
  • Another person with AI problems here. RA and Sjogren's, plus I also have a slew of other disorders, all of which are genetic. My sister and I refer to the family tree as the "genetic cesspool." I do take Humira and methotrexate, along with an NSAID, for the RA. Plus meds for other conditions, fish oil, and calcium with…
  • Yoga and pushups normally. Right now, leg lifts. As in 3 sets of 10 every single day as part of my knee surgery recovery routine. Eight weeks out and at least 5 more weeks of daily leg lifts. The other exercises are not annoying, but I hate the leg lifts!
  • Oh, and I do cook big on the weekends normally, and hope to get back to it soon. But right now my knee just can't tolerate a lot of standing. Your slaw recipe sounds good. I may try that.
  • Thanks! Linovitz, you are correct. I was born and raised in WV. A standard hot dog there consists of bun, mustard, hot dog, chili, chopped onions, and coleslaw. As a (picky) child, I refused to eat the actual hot dog or the coleslaw. So my mom loaded up the bun with mustard, chili, and onions and called it a chili dog. I'd…
  • To Kissyn-- YouTube has a lot of contra dance videos. One of the regional dance weekends kinda near here is called "Dance Trance" and they usually put videos up, so search for them. I will not go to the weekend long events; the regular twice a month dances are enough.
  • I have in the past, until the knee got too bad. I have since found out there are two different ballroom dancing clubs in town, which are cheaper than the schools. So I may check them out once I recover from this surgery. My favorite is contra dancing though, and I hope I will be able to go back to it. Contra dancers are…
  • I'm a newbie, at least to the possible exercise issues. But if the tiredness just started recently, I would request a full blood panel from your doctor. It could be anemia, low potassium, or something else that has gone wonky. Coming from a family with bizarre medical issues, this is my 2 cents.
  • I have RA, and have had knee pain for years. I also developed serious damage in the right knee, so it has been recently replaced. Walking, swimming, and bike riding are highly recommended by the doc and the physical therapist. I prefer mat Pilates to yoga, but have not recovered enough to restart them. However, the core…
  • I am rehabbing a brand new titanium knee and also have RA. The PT has me doing leg lifts, long arc quads, and high step marching in place. She also puts me on a recumbent stepper for a warmup and last week cleared me to ride an upright stationary bike. I cannot do standard squats, but at PT I do them on a Total Gym, which…
  • Sorry, hit the wrong button at the wrong time. I am also adding more potassium to my diet. Avocados and pistachios are current favorites. And according to MFP, my potassium intake is still low. But I definitely have more energy!
  • Just saw this thread. I have low potassium, as verified by two docs. It is most likely caused by one or more of my meds. So if you think you are low, especially if you are taking a diuretic or possibly another medication, get it checked by a doctor. I take a prescription pill in the morning and recently started adding a…
  • I prefer afternoons or evenings myself. I used to be a morning person, but various health issues have made mornings difficult. I do well to shower, eat, and get myself to work on time. I have found in the past if I find an exercise I like, as long as I build it into my routine somewhere, it works.