Rebekahl87 Member


  • I'll be your friend! :) I love sharing this journey to better health with anyone who will share it with me.
  • As someone who has had many Day 1's, my best tip is don't beat yourself up for slipping up or worse, give up. Progress over perfection, always!
  • Friends definitely help! I've sent a friend request. :)
  • The thing about dieting is, it's temporary. Changes that can be sustained for a lifetime are the ones that will keep you from backsliding into old habits. Welcome to your fresh start, your day 1. You've already got a head start with a supportive husband. Now, no negative self-hate talk to yourself and find a supportive…
  • Welcome! Support, support, support...and lots of accountability! Those are things I found to be incredibly helpful. Nutrition is always tough for me, so meal planning helps there. Good luck to you on your journey!
  • Congrats on your baby! I really should have started sooner than I did with my weight loss. My baby was 3 years old before I got my butt in gear. I remember what having an itty bitty was like and how hard it was to get a meal cooked, let alone be concerned with calorie intake, especially while breastfeeding. I'm pulling for…
  • Starting was the hardest part for me. Figure out why you want this and set small goals and milestones and then push for them! Stay plugged in to your support and you'll do wonderful!
  • Welcome back! Everytime I get off track due to stress, once I'm back on I kick myself for not dealing with the stress with a sweaty workout. I find myself much less stressed afterwards. Small goals, small changes and you'll get back to where you left off! The important thing is that you're back! :)
  • The nutrition side of the equation has always been my weakness, so I can relate. Even snacking on healthy things can cause weight gain, if you're consuming more than you're burning. Something that has worked for me (40 lbs lost to date) is pre planning my meals and snacks so that I know what I'm eating and staying within…
    in New Comment by Rebekahl87 June 2016
  • To start, where has your calorie intake been during breastfeeding and maintaining your weight? The goal should be to eat as much as you can while still losing weight as well as maintaining your supply. I wouldn't recommend going much lower than 1500-1600 calories, but again, that will depend on where you're at now. I've…
  • Hi, Allie! Doing this getting healthy thing is way more fun with friends! It's also been a great way for me to stay accountable. I sent you a friend request; we can encourage and support one another! :) Good luck to you!
  • Hi, Zac! I love me some carbs, usually the processed kinds unfortunately. I understand the struggle there! Congrats on 4 months here and your weight loss so far. I sent you a friend request. I know having supportive and encouragement can make a big difference in this, so I hope I can provide some of that to you. Best of…
    in Hello Comment by Rebekahl87 June 2016
  • Congrats on your new family member! My baby's 4 now, but I understand what it can be like to try to lose weight post-pregnancy. I've sent you a friend request. We all need a little support and encouragement, and us mamas need to stick together! :)
  • I'll be your friend! :) I check in every day to log my food, encourage friends and share tips I've found work for me (both exercise and nutrition related). I hope you find the support and encouragement you're looking for!
    in New Comment by Rebekahl87 June 2016
  • Great job on your success so far! It's a wonderful motivator having people who know the struggle and can relate to your journey. Good luck to you as well! I sent you a friend request. :)
  • First off, thank you for your service! I have two brothers who have both served (both Army) and I've see the toll it can take post-discharge. How's your nutrition currently? The best you can do for yourself while you're on the side-lines, so to speak, it to get that in line. I've sent you a friend request. I've found…
  • Hi, Chrissy! Going it alone isn't impossible, but it can be tough. The good news is, there are lots of people who where you're at and want to achieve the same goals, so you don't have to do it alone. I don't LOVE working out, but I started doing it because it needed to get done. I'm starting to enjoy it more though,…
    in support Comment by Rebekahl87 June 2016
  • Good job losing those 20 lbs! I relate to you in that I found myself eating when I stressed out, was bored, felt sad, even when I felt happy... I still deal with it from time to time. Some of the problem also had to do with sugar. I find that I'll eat and eat and eat sweets to the point of a stomach ache. Since I've…
  • It's good that you want to take care of yourself before it turns into 50 or, in my case, 80 lbs. I wish I'd gotten down to business much sooner, but I'm on the right track now. :) Happy to have you here and hope you reach your goals!
  • Friends make the journey more fun! Welcome back and good luck!
  • Welcome! Find some friends to help encourage and motivate you and you'll do great. (I sent you a friend request.) Good luck on your journey! :)
    in Hi!!! Comment by Rebekahl87 June 2016
  • Boy, can I relate. My baby was 3 when I decided I needed to do something about the weight I'd been putting on steadily for years before becoming pregnant. I'm always sharing tips and love sharing recipe ideas. I'm sending you a friend request so we can help support each other!
  • Welcome! I'm 29, 1 kiddo and am about 10 lbs heavier and am shooting for 140 by fall. Congrats on losing 57 lbs! I've noticed that I'm more likely to stay on track when I have friends to keep me accountable. Sent a friend request to you!
  • Welcome! I'm a MI transplant living in TX; cold to hot is still hard to get used to after 10+ years! Tracking food can be pretty eye opening. It certainly was for me. I've started planning meals and logging them in advance so I know exactly where I'll be calorie-wise at the end of each day and I can make changes…
    in Newbie Comment by Rebekahl87 June 2016
  • Support and accountability has been key for me. It can be tough and uncomfortable to ask for help, but knowing that there's someone pushing through those same struggles you're facing makes a huge difference! I've sent a friend request your way. I hope you find the support and encouragement you're looking for! :)
  • Nothing better than having some friends along for the journey! I've been back for a couple of weeks after slacking for 4 or 5 months. Sent you a friend request! :)
  • Hi, Kayla! I like your balanced mindset; no diet for me either. Tried too many of those without much success losing or keeping off much weight. I too am using things other than the scale to track my progress. I sent you a friend request. Let's encourage and support one another! :)
  • Hello and welcome! Getting plugged in and encouraging others in my support system has kept me on track better than even my best day of will power. I've sent you a friend request; I hope we can encourage each other to make progress!
  • It's funny how even the amazing and great life changes can get us off course. Congrats on the wonderful things that have happened! The good news is, you know what it takes to lose those 80 lbs. The flip side is, you have to lose those 80 lbs all over again. But it can be done! The journey traveled together is much…
  • Welcome! I think you'll find a lot of people here who understand what you're going through. The process can be hard, especially at first, but reaching out and connecting with people who "get it" has been the greatest motivator for me. I sent you a friend request; hopefully we can work toward our goals while encouraging one…