candacem1991 Member


  • You can't spot reduce but you can do strength training to help tone and build muscle. Once you lose the amount of fat you want to lose then you can really focus on building your booty back up if it does string some lol
  • I didn't follow a certain meal plan but simply counted calories to lose 65lbs. I know it can be overwhelming when you first start but if you put in your info on myfitnesspal it will calculate the calories you should consume daily. Once you start and get the hang of it I promise it gets easier. If you need any support feel…
  • I was 279lbs when I started losing weight and I now weigh 213. I am still in the process of getting to a healthy weight but I feel like surgery should only be used in a life or death situation. I feel it should be a last resort. You are capable then you think you are.
  • I am mom of three boys (6,4 and 1). I have already lost 65lbs and have 40ish more to go. Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • I've been there before. I have learned to try not to stress over it and find things you love that fit in your calories (I love skinny cow products because it gives me something sweet every once and a while when I'm really craving it). Also if I go out to eat I will get a to go box as soon as my food gets there and take…
  • I will send you a friend request :smile: I have lost 65 lbs so far and have about 40ish more to go. I love cheering others on as well
  • I don't know about treadmills but until you get another one you could check out I work out with them and all of their videos are completely free. They have some awesome cardio and strength training workouts :smile:
  • I agree with everything that has been said plus make sure to take pictures and measurements. I know sometimes I won't lose or maybe even go up a pound (even though I'm doing good) and I can still lose inches or be able to see a difference in pictures from just a few weeks before :smile:
  • I know most people don't do this but I make my own bread sometimes. I know its fresh, what went in it and I can change it up by adding extras like flax seed, oats, etc. I use my bread machine on the dough selection and it does all the work for me and once its mixed and risen I take it out and bake it. Super easy and…
  • Agreed ^ I only have a "cheat" meal once a month (typically when I go on a date night with my husband) but I plan for it and work really hard that week so it doesn't mess me up too much.
  • I have noticed that my body reacts differently to different types of food. I can stay within my calories and eat McDonalds but my body will retain water. And just remember that even though you are up doesn't mean you are up actually fat but most likely water retention :smile:
  • Congrats on losing the 35 lbs! I am going to send you a friend request. I have lost 63 lbs and have 40ish more to go
  • You can definitely do lose the 100lbs but by January might be a little too much. I don't feel like it would be healthy to lose that fast however if you work hard you will probably lose quite a bit by then
  • I just counted calories and exercised 5-6 days a week. I have always used fitness blender because all of their workouts are free online. I think my biggest down fall is if I have a cheat day I will bring all of the cravings for junk food back. I try to limit myself to one cheat meal a month. I have a really bad sweet tooth…
  • I'm in! I'm 25 and need to lose about 40lbs to get to my goal. I was never really thin growing up but I was okay sitting around the 160 mark but once I got married and started having kids (three kids later lol) I packed on the pounds. I have already lost 62lbs but I've been stuck for a while just basically maintaining.
  • Thanks for all the advice :) I am tracking and logging everything that I eat so I know I'm staying in the calorie range I need to be but maybe I need to lower that. I have just always went by what MFP says and it has always worked. For my height I technically have a lot more to lose (even though I don't plan to get as thin…
  • Thanks ladies at least I know I'm not alone lol. I'm trying to just stick to it but I gets a little discouraging when you work so hard but its not paying off.