mikhsh Member


  • Feel free to add me everyone ☺️
  • Thank you everyone for your help, I have decided to stick it out a little longer. I have upped my calories to 1800/day, and am going to continue taking fenugreek if I need it and revise the situation in another month. Like a previous poster said, she's only small once and breastmilk is recommended up until 2 and beyond by…
  • Lol. Off the boob, that's how I say it too thought it was just me. Yes I was thinking of looking into goats milk, I would have to travel to get it but I bet it freezes well just like cow's milk.
  • And I will heck this out too!
  • Wow that's an amazing story, strange indeed to go off domperidone and see an increase! I think worrying about it certainly doesn't help either. That's how I initially got off of taking fenugreek all the time and my supply balanced out. I think the stress of not being able to stress/tired eat is probably part of the…
  • On the supply issue--be sure that you are still drinking plenty of water. I'm sure you already know that since this isn't your first go around with nursing but I remember how much I had to drink every day. (Sometimes I swear I felt myself dehydrate right as she nursed!) How long have you been working on losing weight? It…
  • I live in a small secluded town in the Rocky Mountains. I suppose a few towns away at the hospital maybe there is something, I should look into it next time we take a trip out of town :)
  • I know I should be healthy for her And my other kids but it will be a lot of turmoil for the whole family if I make that decision, so I'm trying to not be too rash and weigh all the factors! Edited for silly auto correct issues
  • She has four and working on a few more. I suspect it would take me at least a month to wean so she would go straight to water and milk for liquids as her solid diet is sufficient and she has no idea how to use a bottle due to her early issues as mentioned above, so it can be done bit am I willing to make her miserable for…
  • Unfortunately we have underlying conditions. I have nearly lost my supply a couple times before due to her posterior tongue tie and upper lip tie. We had them laser released but I think all that time really hurt my initial building of steady milk. She physically couldn't kay h a bottle or even use an SNS so it was boob or…
  • I wasn't planning on weaning her ever, I was going to let her self wean. 1550 is what I am eating, I never eat back calories. I am lightly active, caring for my baby, breastfeeding, and all the walking pick up drop offs of my other two and we live in an apartment with stairs. Like I said, I'm not losing weight, just milk…
  • Btw I'm on 1550 calories CW: 231 And I'm 5'7"
  • Tell your mom you bought her a new scale and you'll take the old one off her hands for her ;)
  • Add me, I will try and help too!
  • Hey Heather! I'm new here, and looking for motivational people too! Feel free to add me and we can help each other :)
    in Hey there! Comment by mikhsh March 2015
  • Hi! I took a welding course and worked as a structural steel cwb certified welder for a bit, talk about male dominated, so I know where you're coming from! I'm old (26 lol) but can help motivate!! Feel free to add me!!
  • Well I guess it's mostly for overall health and balance, I want to eat fats for health, and I want to eat protein for weight training and to help me keep as much muscle mass as I can while losing weight. I guess if I want to eat carbs I can, but that's what got me to the point of hypoglycaemic tendencies and since I have…
  • I agree Lambrah! I choked some down the other day, for that exact reason! I ordered oat fibre as well to help get my fibre count up, and have been trying to eat walnuts to get the fats. It's kind of like a puzzle this hitting macros thing hey :)
  • Whaaaat? I'm new here, where is this group???
  • Jgnatca have you been counting macros long? I have just started and boy I need to work on it (obviously from my post), any tips for a beginner?
  • Mmmmm I love my quest bars! I just ordered vita fibre so that I can make my own!! Thanks for the almond tip!
  • Aren't most beans high in carbs too though?
  • I guess I am hopeless, for nuts I though peanut butter-on bread. And for dairy I thought cheese-on pizza. Lol. It may take a while for me to get out of my need for all things wheat
  • I am just starting with MFP and would love some support! I cloth diaper my baby, does that count as being a tree hugger ;) add me! :)
  • Hey Kelsey! I'm new on here and looking for MFP buddies for motivation too! Feel free to add me! I have more like 80lbs to lose so where you're at is a goal I am working towards :)
  • My first goal is to get under the 200 mark too! Add me too :)
  • I am not EBF'ing anymore, but my 9mo BF's alllll the time and is currently refusing most food as she is teething. I have only lost 10 lbs since I had her and she was 8lbs of that lol. But I am not surprised, this happened with my other two and I didn't end up losing weight until I stopped breast feeding with them, so I…